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Men overwhelmingly dominate the decision-making on Covid-19

October 8, 2020

Men overwhelmingly dominate the decision-making on Covid-19

Men are making most of the decisions related to the coronavirus pandemic -- a disturbing pattern that could be costing lives. 

Men are making most of the decisions related to the coronavirus pandemic -- a disturbing pattern that could be costing lives. 

World News

Progress towards gender equality under threat, world leaders warn as UNGA marks 25th anniversary of landmark women’s rights conference

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Progress towards gender equality under threat, world leaders warn as UNGA marks 25th anniversary of landmark women’s rights conference


Twenty‑five years after the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women, global societies need an unqualified push to meet the elusive promise of gender equality that had brought millions to Beijing in 1995 to demand action, Secretary‑General António Guterres told a High‑level General Assembly meeting to review progress.

Twenty‑five years after the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women, global societies need an unqualified push to meet the elusive promise of gender equality that had brought millions to Beijing in 1995 to demand action, Secretary‑General António Guterres told a High‑level General Assembly meeting to review progress.

Why Malaysia needs more young leaders in Parliament

October 8, 2020

Why Malaysia needs more young leaders in Parliament

In his paper “Does it matter that politicians are older than their constituents? Yes.”, Harvard postdoctoral fellow Charles T McClean posits: “Young people are under-represented in most political institutions. Over half of the world’s voters are under 40, compared to just 14% of MPs.”

In his paper “Does it matter that politicians are older than their constituents? Yes.”, Harvard postdoctoral fellow Charles T McClean posits: “Young people are under-represented in most political institutions. Over half of the world’s voters are under 40, compared to just 14% of MPs.”

Violence against women in politics a growing problem

October 8, 2020

Violence against women in politics a growing problem

While women have made significant inroads into politics in recent years, their involvement has spurred attacks, intimidation and harassment in many parts of the world, says Mona Lena Krook, a professor of political s

While women have made significant inroads into politics in recent years, their involvement has spurred attacks, intimidation and harassment in many parts of the world, says Mona Lena Krook, a professor of political s

Kate Forbes 'mansplaining' case shows legacy women in politics must overcome

October 8, 2020

Kate Forbes 'mansplaining' case shows legacy women in politics must overcome

A FEW months back, a male Twitter user jokingly posited an idea for a new reality show, where people who know nothing about a given subject or skill would explain it to you. Perhaps to his surprise, the punchline came in the form of the replies. “That already exists.

A FEW months back, a male Twitter user jokingly posited an idea for a new reality show, where people who know nothing about a given subject or skill would explain it to you. Perhaps to his surprise, the punchline came in the form of the replies. “That already exists.

Kamala Harris’s Ambition Trap

October 7, 2020

Kamala Harris’s Ambition Trap

In her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Kamala Harris talks about how, during her first run for office—for San Francisco district attorney, in 2002—she taught herself to campaign.

In her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Kamala Harris talks about how, during her first run for office—for San Francisco district attorney, in 2002—she taught herself to campaign.

World News

Japanese lawmaker’s comments on sexual assault spark calls for more female representation in politics

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Japanese lawmaker’s comments on sexual assault spark calls for more female representation in politics


A Japanese lawmaker has apologized for claiming that women can lie about sexual assault. The comments sparked an online petition and have led to calls for increased diversity in the country’s male-dominated politics.

Sugita Mio, a member of the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, admitted last week to saying “women can tell lies as much as they want” during a party meeting on sexual crimes on September 25.

A Japanese lawmaker has apologized for claiming that women can lie about sexual assault. The comments sparked an online petition and have led to calls for increased diversity in the country’s male-dominated politics.

Sugita Mio, a member of the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, admitted last week to saying “women can tell lies as much as they want” during a party meeting on sexual crimes on September 25.

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women's Participation in Public Life

October 7, 2020

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women's Participation in Public Life

This e-Discussion raised awareness on the different ways and forms women participate in public life outside of formal political institutions, such as in women’s and feminist movements, civic demonstrations and initiatives and online activism.

This e-Discussion raised awareness on the different ways and forms women participate in public life outside of formal political institutions, such as in women’s and feminist movements, civic demonstrations and initiatives and online activism.

How women vote: Separating myth from reality

October 6, 2020

How women vote: Separating myth from reality

A century has elapsed since the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote at the federal level. But no single analysis of those 100 years can explain “the women’s vote,” as it’s impossible to summarize half of the country’s population with one political narrative.

A century has elapsed since the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote at the federal level. But no single analysis of those 100 years can explain “the women’s vote,” as it’s impossible to summarize half of the country’s population with one political narrative.