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World News

Call to introduce local election gender quotas

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Call to introduce local election gender quotas


A women’s rights group will today, 9 June, launch a €35,000 crowdfunding plan to help female candidates in future elections after accusing the Government of failing to do enough to address the issue.

The Women for Election group says the public money is needed just 24 hours after Dáil Ceann Comhairle Sean O’Fearghail publicly backed local election gender quotas as a “pragmatic” step that must be taken.

A women’s rights group will today, 9 June, launch a €35,000 crowdfunding plan to help female candidates in future elections after accusing the Government of failing to do enough to address the issue.

The Women for Election group says the public money is needed just 24 hours after Dáil Ceann Comhairle Sean O’Fearghail publicly backed local election gender quotas as a “pragmatic” step that must be taken.

World News

Scottish Parliament campaign launched to get more women to becomes MSPs

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Scottish Parliament campaign launched to get more women to becomes MSPs


A major Holyrood drive has been unveiled aimed at getting more women to become MSPs after numbers stalled in recent years.

More than 400 women from across Scotland are to be invited to a day at the Scottish Parliament aimed at generating interest and tackling the gender imbalance in Scottish and UK politics.

A major Holyrood drive has been unveiled aimed at getting more women to become MSPs after numbers stalled in recent years.

More than 400 women from across Scotland are to be invited to a day at the Scottish Parliament aimed at generating interest and tackling the gender imbalance in Scottish and UK politics.

Women take on challenges and win

June 10, 2019

Women take on challenges and win

She was the daughter of a barber and grew up in a New England mill town. In an effort to save for a college education, she began working for wages at the age of 13; it was not enough.

She was the daughter of a barber and grew up in a New England mill town. In an effort to save for a college education, she began working for wages at the age of 13; it was not enough.

World News

Political violence against women tracked for first time as attacks soar

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Political violence against women tracked for first time as attacks soar


Violence targeted against female politicians and activists will be tracked for the first time by a global database, amid indications of a recent rise in attacks.

Researchers reviewed thousands of events dating back to 1997, where political violence was targeted at women – ranging from wartime sexual violence to attacks on female civilians and crackdowns on female-led protests.

Violence targeted against female politicians and activists will be tracked for the first time by a global database, amid indications of a recent rise in attacks.

Researchers reviewed thousands of events dating back to 1997, where political violence was targeted at women – ranging from wartime sexual violence to attacks on female civilians and crackdowns on female-led protests.


Participation of persons with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities in political and public life: A side event at COSP12


Participation of persons with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities in political and public life: A side event at COSP12

The 12th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD will take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 13 June 2019.

Violence against women in politics: IFES submission to the OHCHR Special Rapporteur

June 7, 2019

Violence against women in politics: IFES submission to the OHCHR Special Rapporteur

For over three decades, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) has worked to advance good governance and support all citizens’ rights to participate in credible elections.

For over three decades, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) has worked to advance good governance and support all citizens’ rights to participate in credible elections.

Breaking the mold: Understanding gender and electoral violence

June 7, 2019

Breaking the mold: Understanding gender and electoral violence

Women around the world are playing increasingly visible roles in the political processes of their countries as voters, candidates, representatives, protesters, journalists and as civic educators in the home, the community and beyond.

Women around the world are playing increasingly visible roles in the political processes of their countries as voters, candidates, representatives, protesters, journalists and as civic educators in the home, the community and beyond.

World News

Libyan women at the frontline of war, but with no seat at the peace table

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Libyan women at the frontline of war, but with no seat at the peace table


On April 4, General Khalifa Haftar advanced with his Libyan National Army (LNA) on Tripoli in an attempt to take over the capital from the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA).  Prime Minister Fayez Serraj who leads the GNA described the offensive as “an attempted coup”. Haftar has been slowly building alliances, and now has the backing of France, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Serraj and the GNA have the backing of Turkey, Qatar, and Italy, however, the GNA’s army is an array of militias.

On April 4, General Khalifa Haftar advanced with his Libyan National Army (LNA) on Tripoli in an attempt to take over the capital from the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA).  Prime Minister Fayez Serraj who leads the GNA described the offensive as “an attempted coup”. Haftar has been slowly building alliances, and now has the backing of France, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Serraj and the GNA have the backing of Turkey, Qatar, and Italy, however, the GNA’s army is an array of militias.

Violence against women in elections in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville: An IFES assessment

June 7, 2019

Violence against women in elections in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville: An IFES assessment

Violence against women in politics is a substantial threat to the integrity of the electoral process, affecting women’s participation as voters, candidates, election officials, activists and political party leaders and undermining free, fair and incl

Violence against women in politics is a substantial threat to the integrity of the electoral process, affecting women’s participation as voters, candidates, election officials, activists and political party leaders and undermining free, fair and incl