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World News

Austria to get first female chancellor to lead caretaker Cabinet

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Austria to get first female chancellor to lead caretaker Cabinet


Top court justice Brigitte Bierlein was named to become Austria's first female chancellor Thursday, tasked with forming a caretaker government until September's snap election.

Top court justice Brigitte Bierlein was named to become Austria's first female chancellor Thursday, tasked with forming a caretaker government until September's snap election.

World News

South Africa's president names Cabinet that is 50% women

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South Africa's president names Cabinet that is 50% women


South Africa's president on Wednesday named a trimmed-down Cabinet that is 50% women, making the country's one of few in the world to be "gender-balanced."

President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement followed similar moves by Ethiopia and Rwanda last year.

South Africa's president on Wednesday named a trimmed-down Cabinet that is 50% women, making the country's one of few in the world to be "gender-balanced."

President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement followed similar moves by Ethiopia and Rwanda last year.

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women in Public Administration

May 28, 2019

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women in Public Administration

The e-Discussion on Women in Public Administration was launched on 28 March 2019 in Arabic, English, French and Spanish and ended on 19 April 2019.

The e-Discussion on Women in Public Administration was launched on 28 March 2019 in Arabic, English, French and Spanish and ended on 19 April 2019.

Impact of corruption on women’s career development opportunities in the Central Administration of the Republic of Moldova

May 24, 2019

Impact of corruption on women’s career development opportunities in the Central Administration of the Republic of Moldova

The goal of the survey consists in analyzing perceptions and experiences of civil servants in central administration with regard to the level of corruption, its forms, transparency of the decision-making process and impact of these phenomena on the c

The goal of the survey consists in analyzing perceptions and experiences of civil servants in central administration with regard to the level of corruption, its forms, transparency of the decision-making process and impact of these phenomena on the c

World News

India elects a record-breaking number of women to Parliament

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India elects a record-breaking number of women to Parliament


Women will make up about 15% of the lower house of parliament — less than the global average.

A record number of women are set to enter India's parliament after a marathon election that returned Prime Minister Narendra Modi to power, initial results showed on Friday.

Women will make up about 15% of the lower house of parliament — less than the global average.

A record number of women are set to enter India's parliament after a marathon election that returned Prime Minister Narendra Modi to power, initial results showed on Friday.

World News

Theresa May announces she will resign on 7 June

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Theresa May announces she will resign on 7 June


Theresa May has bowed to intense pressure from her own party and named 7 June as the day she will step aside as Conservative leader, drawing her turbulent three-year premiership to a close.

Theresa May has bowed to intense pressure from her own party and named 7 June as the day she will step aside as Conservative leader, drawing her turbulent three-year premiership to a close.

World News

Indian elections 2019: women candidates to watch out for

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Indian elections 2019: women candidates to watch out for


The outcome of the world’s largest election is almost upon us – the counting of votes by 900m eligible voters begins on May 23. With more than 500 directly elected seats being contested in India’s lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, all eyes are on who will win and what this means for the next government.

The outcome of the world’s largest election is almost upon us – the counting of votes by 900m eligible voters begins on May 23. With more than 500 directly elected seats being contested in India’s lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, all eyes are on who will win and what this means for the next government.

Gender equality in public administration: Pakistan case study

May 23, 2019

Gender equality in public administration: Pakistan case study

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) have recognized the utility and effectiveness of the UN system ‘delivering as one’.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) have recognized the utility and effectiveness of the UN system ‘delivering as one’.

Might greater gender equality in senior roles help reduce corruption in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?

May 23, 2019

Might greater gender equality in senior roles help reduce corruption in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?

Based on the definitions of “corruption” adopted by major international institutions and of “women in power” adopted by the United Nations, this note focuses on whether a larger number of women in power positions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine might

Based on the definitions of “corruption” adopted by major international institutions and of “women in power” adopted by the United Nations, this note focuses on whether a larger number of women in power positions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine might

World News

Maldives: Quota proposed for women in political party leadership

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Maldives: Quota proposed for women in political party leadership


The Elections Commission and political parties have agreed to introduce a quota to increase the number of women in leadership posts.

The low participation of women in politics was among the issues discussed at a forum held Monday night to propose changes to the Political Party Act.

Representatives of political parties supported a mandatory 30 percent quota for women in organs such as executive councils, according to media reports.

The Elections Commission and political parties have agreed to introduce a quota to increase the number of women in leadership posts.

The low participation of women in politics was among the issues discussed at a forum held Monday night to propose changes to the Political Party Act.

Representatives of political parties supported a mandatory 30 percent quota for women in organs such as executive councils, according to media reports.