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World News

Erelu Fayemi, ex-Ghanaian President, others bag Zik Leadership prize

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Erelu Fayemi, ex-Ghanaian President, others bag Zik Leadership prize


Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, has won the 2018 Zik Leadership Prize for humanitarian Leadership. This was disclosed by the organisers of the annual prize in Lagos at the week.

Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, has won the 2018 Zik Leadership Prize for humanitarian Leadership. This was disclosed by the organisers of the annual prize in Lagos at the week.

World News

Two women elected to Qatar municipal council

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Two women elected to Qatar municipal council


DOHA: Two women won seats on Qatar’s 29-member municipal council, the Gulf emirate’s sole elected body, the elections committee said on Wednesday. Sheikha al-Jafiri and Fatima al-Kuwari retained the seats they had won in 2015.

Five women were among the 85 candidates standing in Tuesday’s election for the emirate-wide council. The other three failed to win seats. 

DOHA: Two women won seats on Qatar’s 29-member municipal council, the Gulf emirate’s sole elected body, the elections committee said on Wednesday. Sheikha al-Jafiri and Fatima al-Kuwari retained the seats they had won in 2015.

Five women were among the 85 candidates standing in Tuesday’s election for the emirate-wide council. The other three failed to win seats. 

World News

Yemeni women: Making the most of the space available

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Yemeni women: Making the most of the space available



In the country’s modern history, three major events have influenced these struggles and women’s political rights: 1) the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990, 2) Yemen’s uprising in 2011, and 3) the war that has been ongoing since 2015.


In the country’s modern history, three major events have influenced these struggles and women’s political rights: 1) the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990, 2) Yemen’s uprising in 2011, and 3) the war that has been ongoing since 2015.

World News

Afghan women demand seat at peace talks but face resistance

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Afghan women demand seat at peace talks but face resistance


HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — For four hours, Khadeja begged her in-laws to take her to the hospital. The skin on her face and neck was peeling. The pain was excruciating. Her husband had thrown a pot of scalding water on her face and upper body.

Her head was bowed and sobs convulsed her body as she remembered the moment. “The pain . . . I can’t say how much I hurt.”

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — For four hours, Khadeja begged her in-laws to take her to the hospital. The skin on her face and neck was peeling. The pain was excruciating. Her husband had thrown a pot of scalding water on her face and upper body.

Her head was bowed and sobs convulsed her body as she remembered the moment. “The pain . . . I can’t say how much I hurt.”

World News

Twitter and Facebook failing to protect women MPs from abuse, Joint Human Rights Committee says

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Twitter and Facebook failing to protect women MPs from abuse, Joint Human Rights Committee says


The Joint Human Rights Committee accused Facebook and Twitter of failing to do enough to protect female MPs and other public figures from online abuse during an evidence session yesterday (1 May).

The Joint Human Rights Committee accused Facebook and Twitter of failing to do enough to protect female MPs and other public figures from online abuse during an evidence session yesterday (1 May).

South Africa: Gender and elections pre-audit

May 3, 2019

South Africa: Gender and elections pre-audit

May 3: A preliminary gender audit of the South African elections due to be held on 8 May shows that while there will be a slight increase in women’s representation, women are still missing from the top echelons of political parties and from the media

May 3: A preliminary gender audit of the South African elections due to be held on 8 May shows that while there will be a slight increase in women’s representation, women are still missing from the top echelons of political parties and from the media

Why women led the uprising in Sudan

May 3, 2019

Why women led the uprising in Sudan

By Nasredeen Abdulbari

Women had borne the brunt of the former president’s policies and were able to draw on Sudanese traditions to be heard.

By Nasredeen Abdulbari

Women had borne the brunt of the former president’s policies and were able to draw on Sudanese traditions to be heard.

Finnish parliament still mostly middle-aged, male

May 3, 2019

Finnish parliament still mostly middle-aged, male

Finland's parliamentary election on Sunday has been touted by some as a victory for "red-green" female candidates.

Finland's parliamentary election on Sunday has been touted by some as a victory for "red-green" female candidates.

World News

Women in politics: Group demands inclusiveness ahead of 2023 in Côte d'Ivoire

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Women in politics: Group demands inclusiveness ahead of 2023 in Côte d'Ivoire


The Coalition of Young Female Candidates (CYFC) has demanded more inclusiveness for female candidates in preparation for the 2023 elections.

According to the group, the 2019 elections presented many challenges to female candidates.

It said the low participation of women, lack of funding, injustice, insecurity and gender bias were some of the challenges female contestants battled with.

The Coalition of Young Female Candidates (CYFC) has demanded more inclusiveness for female candidates in preparation for the 2023 elections.

According to the group, the 2019 elections presented many challenges to female candidates.

It said the low participation of women, lack of funding, injustice, insecurity and gender bias were some of the challenges female contestants battled with.

World News

UK: Councils 'behind the times' on female equality and will take 32 years to achieve gender balance, study says

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UK: Councils 'behind the times' on female equality and will take 32 years to achieve gender balance, study says


Councils are “behind the times” on women’s representation and will take over three decades to achieve gender balance at current rates, a prominent women’s rights organisation has warned.

Councils are “behind the times” on women’s representation and will take over three decades to achieve gender balance at current rates, a prominent women’s rights organisation has warned.