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World News

Indonesia's had gender quotas in parliament for years - why aren't they working?

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Indonesia's had gender quotas in parliament for years - why aren't they working?


From her home in Jakarta, Permaswari Wardani proudly holds up an intricate hand-drawn comic.

It’s her humorous take on what she sees as the wrongs in Indonesian politics today.

The 38-year-old architect hopes the run of 5,000 copies – leading to donations – will help propel her to an upper house seat in her country’s parliament, within the week.

From her home in Jakarta, Permaswari Wardani proudly holds up an intricate hand-drawn comic.

It’s her humorous take on what she sees as the wrongs in Indonesian politics today.

The 38-year-old architect hopes the run of 5,000 copies – leading to donations – will help propel her to an upper house seat in her country’s parliament, within the week.

World News

Twitter bot tracks abusive tweets against female politicians

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Twitter bot tracks abusive tweets against female politicians


Artificial intelligence is tracking the vile comments hurled at female Alberta politicians during the election campaign.

“One of the major barriers that women face when they're thinking of running for office, especially lately, is the abuse they receive online,” explained ParityYEG co-founder Lana Cuthbert.

The bot, sponsored by Edmonton non-profit ParityYEG, tracks every tweet mentioning a woman in the election race.

Artificial intelligence is tracking the vile comments hurled at female Alberta politicians during the election campaign.

“One of the major barriers that women face when they're thinking of running for office, especially lately, is the abuse they receive online,” explained ParityYEG co-founder Lana Cuthbert.

The bot, sponsored by Edmonton non-profit ParityYEG, tracks every tweet mentioning a woman in the election race.

World News

Study: Women presidential candidates endure tougher coverage

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Study: Women presidential candidates endure tougher coverage


Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand has drawn some harsh media coverage since launching her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in January – but in that, it seems she's part of a sisterhood.

Women candidates for the Democratic nomination are consistently receiving tougher coverage than their male counterparts, according to a recent study of 130 stories from the nation's top news websites.

Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand has drawn some harsh media coverage since launching her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in January – but in that, it seems she's part of a sisterhood.

Women candidates for the Democratic nomination are consistently receiving tougher coverage than their male counterparts, according to a recent study of 130 stories from the nation's top news websites.

World News

Trickle-down equality: More women in Congress means less sexism for staffers

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Trickle-down equality: More women in Congress means less sexism for staffers


Women in Congress have been getting attention recently for calling out casual sexism on the Hill — and female staffers say it’s making their jobs easier.

Women in Congress have been getting attention recently for calling out casual sexism on the Hill — and female staffers say it’s making their jobs easier.

Demeaning women is an assault on our politics

April 16, 2019

Demeaning women is an assault on our politics

Women in Indian politics face a double disadvantage. The first is the difficulty in getting a foot in through the door in a male-dominated arena. Women account for only 12.15% of the outgoing 16th Lok Sabha.

Women in Indian politics face a double disadvantage. The first is the difficulty in getting a foot in through the door in a male-dominated arena. Women account for only 12.15% of the outgoing 16th Lok Sabha.


World News

Women must be at ‘centre of peacekeeping decision-making’, UN chief tells Security Council

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Women must be at ‘centre of peacekeeping decision-making’, UN chief tells Security Council


Through its landmark resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, the Council reaffirmed the participation and involvement of women, which the UN chief hailed as “a key element in the maintenance of international peace and security”. He also noted the UN’s “essential system-wide effort” to enhance women’s representation at all levels and in all arenas, through his Strategy on Gender Parity.

Through its landmark resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, the Council reaffirmed the participation and involvement of women, which the UN chief hailed as “a key element in the maintenance of international peace and security”. He also noted the UN’s “essential system-wide effort” to enhance women’s representation at all levels and in all arenas, through his Strategy on Gender Parity.

World News

MPs discuss ways to achieve gender equality at CSW63

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MPs discuss ways to achieve gender equality at CSW63


The IPU and UN Women held a joint parliamentary event at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) on 13 March 2019 in New York. Participants at the event discussed ways of making social protection programmes more gender responsive.

The IPU and UN Women held a joint parliamentary event at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) on 13 March 2019 in New York. Participants at the event discussed ways of making social protection programmes more gender responsive.

World News

Colombia : In spite of the conflict & continued violence, disappearances, femicide, women weave the social fabric of communities for leadership, resilience, peace

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Colombia : In spite of the conflict & continued violence, disappearances, femicide, women weave the social fabric of communities for leadership, resilience, peace


In Colombia’s southern province of Putumayo, a group of women is stitching together social fabric despite an alarming number of ongoing threats and acts of violence against them.

In Colombia’s southern province of Putumayo, a group of women is stitching together social fabric despite an alarming number of ongoing threats and acts of violence against them.