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Here's why having more women in government is good for your health

April 2, 2019

Here's why having more women in government is good for your health

In November 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formed the first gender-balanced cabinet in Canadian history. In announcing his cabinet, he ensured that half of his closest advisers (15 out of a total of 30) were women.

In November 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formed the first gender-balanced cabinet in Canadian history. In announcing his cabinet, he ensured that half of his closest advisers (15 out of a total of 30) were women.

World News

Maltese political parties will be paid by the state to recruit and train women candidates

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Maltese political parties will be paid by the state to recruit and train women candidates


The Maltese state will fund political parties to recruit, promote and train female candidates as part of a plan launched by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat unveiled.

“Legal amendments are being proposed for the Financing of Political Parties Act to open the way for state funds that can be used to recruit, promote and train candidates pertaining to the under-represented sex,” the policy document reads.

The Maltese state will fund political parties to recruit, promote and train female candidates as part of a plan launched by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat unveiled.

“Legal amendments are being proposed for the Financing of Political Parties Act to open the way for state funds that can be used to recruit, promote and train candidates pertaining to the under-represented sex,” the policy document reads.

World News

Slovakia's 'Erin Brockovich' elected first female president, in rebuke of populism

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Slovakia's 'Erin Brockovich' elected first female president, in rebuke of populism


When Slovakia's newly elected President Zuzana Caputova -- the country's first ever female head of state -- delivered her acceptance speech on Saturday she immediately set herself apart from the wave of populist parties sweeping Europe.

The 45-year-old liberal lawyer thanked voters not just in Slovak -- but in Hungarian, Czech, Roma and Ruthenian -- in a show of unity with the nation's minority groups and rejection of the nationalist rhetoric popular in some neighboring countries.

When Slovakia's newly elected President Zuzana Caputova -- the country's first ever female head of state -- delivered her acceptance speech on Saturday she immediately set herself apart from the wave of populist parties sweeping Europe.

The 45-year-old liberal lawyer thanked voters not just in Slovak -- but in Hungarian, Czech, Roma and Ruthenian -- in a show of unity with the nation's minority groups and rejection of the nationalist rhetoric popular in some neighboring countries.

World News

Poll: Most see women equal to men in politics in the US

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Poll: Most see women equal to men in politics in the US


WASHINGTON (AP) — An all-time high of 84 percent of Americans believe women are just as suited emotionally for politics as men, according to a new survey that comes as the largest-ever field of women are running for president and with a record number serving in Congress.

The growing acceptance of women in politics and in the workforce is highlighted by the General Social Survey, a widely respected trend survey that has been measuring views of gender and society since the 1970s.

WASHINGTON (AP) — An all-time high of 84 percent of Americans believe women are just as suited emotionally for politics as men, according to a new survey that comes as the largest-ever field of women are running for president and with a record number serving in Congress.

The growing acceptance of women in politics and in the workforce is highlighted by the General Social Survey, a widely respected trend survey that has been measuring views of gender and society since the 1970s.

World News

Formation of women MPs network to further equal representation in Pacific parliaments

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Formation of women MPs network to further equal representation in Pacific parliaments


Nadi, Fiji – The inaugural Pacific Women in Power Forum which ended on Wednesday, 27 March has confirmed the need for an ongoing Pacific regional network of women Members of Parliament, which aims to encourage more women to enter politics and support current women MPs.

Nadi, Fiji – The inaugural Pacific Women in Power Forum which ended on Wednesday, 27 March has confirmed the need for an ongoing Pacific regional network of women Members of Parliament, which aims to encourage more women to enter politics and support current women MPs.


Women in Public Administration

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Women in Public Administration

“Increasing the proportion of women in public institutions makes them more representative, increases innovation, improves decision-making and benefits whole societies” - António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, Message on International Women’s Day 2017

“Increasing the proportion of women in public institutions makes them more representative, increases innovation, improves decision-making and benefits whole societies” - António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, Message on International Women’s Day 2017

“The quota encouraged me to run”: evaluating Jordan’s municipal quota for women

March 25, 2019

“The quota encouraged me to run”: evaluating Jordan’s municipal quota for women

Gender quotas are a means to improve women’s political representation. This article examines the impact of Jordan’s municipal quota enacted in 2007. The quota drew into the political arena women who would otherwise not have run for office.

Gender quotas are a means to improve women’s political representation. This article examines the impact of Jordan’s municipal quota enacted in 2007. The quota drew into the political arena women who would otherwise not have run for office.

World News

Women greatly outnumbered by men in political power

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Women greatly outnumbered by men in political power


UNITED NATIONS (AP) — When it comes to political power, women are totally outnumbered by men, accounting for less than 7 percent of the world’s leaders and only 24 percent of lawmakers, according to the latest statistics.

U.N. General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa told delegates to the Commission on the Status of Women on Tuesday that there has been a “serious regression” in the political power of women across the world in recent years.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — When it comes to political power, women are totally outnumbered by men, accounting for less than 7 percent of the world’s leaders and only 24 percent of lawmakers, according to the latest statistics.

U.N. General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa told delegates to the Commission on the Status of Women on Tuesday that there has been a “serious regression” in the political power of women across the world in recent years.

World News

We'll start seeing more lasting peace when women get more seats at the negotiating table

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We'll start seeing more lasting peace when women get more seats at the negotiating table


Peace agreements last 35% longer when women are involved in the negotiating process. But too often, they're not.

Peace agreements last 35% longer when women are involved in the negotiating process. But too often, they're not.