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Training modules to increase women's political participation

December 7, 2018

Training modules to increase women's political participation

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party membe

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party membe


Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

December 7, 2018

Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.


America’s sexist obsession with what women politicians wear, explained

December 6, 2018

America’s sexist obsession with what women politicians wear, explained

Ever since women started holding political office, American men have been fixated on their clothes.

When she was in the Senate, Carol Moseley Braun got used to having her clothing scrutinized.

Ever since women started holding political office, American men have been fixated on their clothes.

When she was in the Senate, Carol Moseley Braun got used to having her clothing scrutinized.

World News

Iceland scandal over MPs' crude and sexist bar talk

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Iceland scandal over MPs' crude and sexist bar talk


There are calls for several Icelandic MPs to resign after they were recorded using crude language to describe female colleagues and a disabled activist.

Icelanders were especially shocked that the MPs' targets included ex-MP Freyja Haraldsdottir, a disabled woman and well-known disability rights activist.

Iceland has long been seen as a beacon for women's rights and has a female prime minister, Katrin Jakobsdottir.

There are calls for several Icelandic MPs to resign after they were recorded using crude language to describe female colleagues and a disabled activist.

Icelanders were especially shocked that the MPs' targets included ex-MP Freyja Haraldsdottir, a disabled woman and well-known disability rights activist.

Iceland has long been seen as a beacon for women's rights and has a female prime minister, Katrin Jakobsdottir.