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Can there be real representation without reservation?

November 15, 2023

Can there be real representation without reservation?

This week, the water cooler conversation in courts, chambers and newsrooms like ours has been all about representation, helped along by the headlines after Chief Justice D.Y.

This week, the water cooler conversation in courts, chambers and newsrooms like ours has been all about representation, helped along by the headlines after Chief Justice D.Y.

World News

Where are all Liberia's women in public office?

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Where are all Liberia's women in public office?


Despite being once heralded for becoming the first African country to elect a woman president, Liberia’s political landscape is sorely lacking in its representation of women.

Despite being once heralded for becoming the first African country to elect a woman president, Liberia’s political landscape is sorely lacking in its representation of women.

‘It’s always a struggle to try to make sure you get the right work-life balance’ – Minister Helen McEntee on juggling politics and two small babies

November 15, 2023

‘It’s always a struggle to try to make sure you get the right work-life balance’ – Minister Helen McEntee on juggling politics and two small babies

Justice Minister Helen McEntee has opened up about how it can be a “challenge” to raise two children as a cabinet minister and how she sometimes feels “guilty” when she struggles to find a work-life b

Justice Minister Helen McEntee has opened up about how it can be a “challenge” to raise two children as a cabinet minister and how she sometimes feels “guilty” when she struggles to find a work-life b

World News

Nigeria: NILDS seeks more women representation in parliament

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Nigeria: NILDS seeks more women representation in parliament


The Director General of the Nigeria Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman, has urged Nigerian political, traditional and religious leaders to emulate Somalia by electing more women to the National Assembly.

The Director General of the Nigeria Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman, has urged Nigerian political, traditional and religious leaders to emulate Somalia by electing more women to the National Assembly.

World News

'You're almost afraid to say what you think': Harassment contributing to women in Cork leaving politics

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'You're almost afraid to say what you think': Harassment contributing to women in Cork leaving politics


AN ELECTED member of Cork County Council, who has announced her intention not to run again, has said she received a death threat and online abuse during her two terms as a councillor.

AN ELECTED member of Cork County Council, who has announced her intention not to run again, has said she received a death threat and online abuse during her two terms as a councillor.

World News

Women aren’t running for office like they used to. The reason makes perfect sense

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Women aren’t running for office like they used to. The reason makes perfect sense


There is a pervasive narrative “that women are running for office in record numbers,” says Erin Loos Cutraro. “People hold onto that. They think it’s still true today.”

Except it’s not.

There is a pervasive narrative “that women are running for office in record numbers,” says Erin Loos Cutraro. “People hold onto that. They think it’s still true today.”

Except it’s not.

World News

Making investment in violence prevention a priority

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Making investment in violence prevention a priority


If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls— 8 per cent of the world’s female population—will live in extreme poverty by 2030.

The gender gap in power and leadership roles also persists, and if progress continues at the current pace, it will take another 286 years to reach gender equality in public life.

If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls— 8 per cent of the world’s female population—will live in extreme poverty by 2030.

The gender gap in power and leadership roles also persists, and if progress continues at the current pace, it will take another 286 years to reach gender equality in public life.

World News

Sudanese women meet in Cairo to coordinate peace efforts

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Sudanese women meet in Cairo to coordinate peace efforts


Calls for peace filled the air as representatives from over 20 existing and newly emerging women’s anti-war initiatives from various civic and political backgrounds and geographical locations within Sudan gathered in Cairo, Egypt.

The meeting aimed at  coordinating  their efforts towards peace enforcement in Sudan.

Calls for peace filled the air as representatives from over 20 existing and newly emerging women’s anti-war initiatives from various civic and political backgrounds and geographical locations within Sudan gathered in Cairo, Egypt.

The meeting aimed at  coordinating  their efforts towards peace enforcement in Sudan.

World News

City in Kyoto Prefecture elects youngest female mayor in Japan

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City in Kyoto Prefecture elects youngest female mayor in Japan


Despite lacking ties to this city and being described as a poor public speaker, a former social worker won an election here to become the youngest female mayor in Japan.

Shoko Kawata, 33, bested two other candidates on Nov. 12 to win the mayoral election in Yawata, a city of about 70,000 residents south of the ancient capital of Kyoto.

Despite lacking ties to this city and being described as a poor public speaker, a former social worker won an election here to become the youngest female mayor in Japan.

Shoko Kawata, 33, bested two other candidates on Nov. 12 to win the mayoral election in Yawata, a city of about 70,000 residents south of the ancient capital of Kyoto.

On Women’s Reservation Bill, one step forward, two steps back

November 13, 2023

On Women’s Reservation Bill, one step forward, two steps back

The legislative journey of the Women’s Reservation Bill began nearly three decades ago, in September 1996, when it was first introduced in Parliament.

The legislative journey of the Women’s Reservation Bill began nearly three decades ago, in September 1996, when it was first introduced in Parliament.