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World News

EU Parliament seeks to improve gender balance on committees

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EU Parliament seeks to improve gender balance on committees


BRUSSELS — The European Parliament is considering changing its rules to improve the gender balance of its committees.

The measures are designed to address “striking disparities” in the gender balance of committees and delegations across the institution, according to an internal letter, seen by POLITICO, from senior Greek MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis. 

BRUSSELS — The European Parliament is considering changing its rules to improve the gender balance of its committees.

The measures are designed to address “striking disparities” in the gender balance of committees and delegations across the institution, according to an internal letter, seen by POLITICO, from senior Greek MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis. 

World News

#AskHerToStand is the powerful campaign encouraging women to be part of government

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#AskHerToStand is the powerful campaign encouraging women to be part of government


Whether it’s pay gaps, medical misogyny, an unfair division of labour or sport inequality, we’re constantly reminded that, despite the progress we’ve made, true gender equality still hasn’t been achieved.

Whether it’s pay gaps, medical misogyny, an unfair division of labour or sport inequality, we’re constantly reminded that, despite the progress we’ve made, true gender equality still hasn’t been achieved.

World News

Sudan: advocates urge increased women’s representation in civilian forces conference

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Sudan: advocates urge increased women’s representation in civilian forces conference


(KHARTOUM) – In a significant move towards advancing gender equality in Sudan, a group of prominent women politicians and activists Tuesday called for increased female representation in the upcoming general conference of the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (CDCF).

(KHARTOUM) – In a significant move towards advancing gender equality in Sudan, a group of prominent women politicians and activists Tuesday called for increased female representation in the upcoming general conference of the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (CDCF).

World News

Global parliament gender gap persists

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Global parliament gender gap persists


Only 26.5% of the world’s parliamentarians are women, placing the world on the back foot in achieving gender parity, but Namibia could achieve its 50/50 target by 2025.

Gender equality minister Doreen Sioka is confident that this is achievable. 

Only 26.5% of the world’s parliamentarians are women, placing the world on the back foot in achieving gender parity, but Namibia could achieve its 50/50 target by 2025.

Gender equality minister Doreen Sioka is confident that this is achievable. 

World News

Cambodia advances women's roles, aims for 2030, 2050 goals

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Cambodia advances women's roles, aims for 2030, 2050 goals


The National Assembly (NA) stated that both the legislature and the executive branches of government have a strong political will to encourage, promote and strengthen the role of women to achieve the Cambodia’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) and its vision for 2030 and 2050.

The body has passed comprehensive laws to integrate gender equality into public policy and laws, taking into account the challenges faced by women.

The National Assembly (NA) stated that both the legislature and the executive branches of government have a strong political will to encourage, promote and strengthen the role of women to achieve the Cambodia’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) and its vision for 2030 and 2050.

The body has passed comprehensive laws to integrate gender equality into public policy and laws, taking into account the challenges faced by women.

The impact of online violence against women in the 2022 Kenya general elections

November 22, 2023

The impact of online violence against women in the 2022 Kenya general elections

The growth of internet users has brought about social and economic benefits on a global scale.

The growth of internet users has brought about social and economic benefits on a global scale.


Gender Norms in Politics

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Gender Norms in Politics

To this day, decision-making remains widely dominated by men as they make up 64% of elected local officials, 73% of parliamentarians, 77% of cabinet ministers, and about 90% of heads of government and heads of state.

To this day, decision-making remains widely dominated by men as they make up 64% of elected local officials, 73% of parliamentarians, 77% of cabinet ministers, and about 90% of heads of government and heads of state.

World News