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World News

Women's political empowerment and American presidential elections discussed in The New Yorker

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Women's political empowerment and American presidential elections discussed in The New Yorker


Dr. Jill Lepore, Professor of American History at Harvard University, has published an article in The New Yorker, entitled ‘The Sovereignty of Women’. The article deals with the historical difficulties of women to be fully recognized as political subjects, and how this historical tension is affecting modern American politics and, in particular, the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Lepore explains how the political empowerment of women was historically contested, both from philosophers such as John Locke, and from politicians.

Dr. Jill Lepore, Professor of American History at Harvard University, has published an article in The New Yorker, entitled ‘The Sovereignty of Women’. The article deals with the historical difficulties of women to be fully recognized as political subjects, and how this historical tension is affecting modern American politics and, in particular, the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Lepore explains how the political empowerment of women was historically contested, both from philosophers such as John Locke, and from politicians.

World News

IPI Interviews South Sudan's MP, Hon. Betty Ogwaro, on the difficult situation for women in her country

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IPI Interviews South Sudan's MP, Hon. Betty Ogwaro, on the difficult situation for women in her country


The International Peace Institute (IPI) has interviewed Hon. Dr betty Achan Ogwaro, parliamentarian in the government of South Sudan. The interview discusses the difficult situation for women in the violent conflict affecting this African country. The civil war is now entering its third year, while the country tries to implement a peace agreement still unsuccessful.

The International Peace Institute (IPI) has interviewed Hon. Dr betty Achan Ogwaro, parliamentarian in the government of South Sudan. The interview discusses the difficult situation for women in the violent conflict affecting this African country. The civil war is now entering its third year, while the country tries to implement a peace agreement still unsuccessful.

World News

Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW)

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Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW)


In order to strengthen the lobby and advocacy capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the South, it was launched the Netherlands Accountability Fund.

In order to strengthen the lobby and advocacy capacity of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the South, it was launched the Netherlands Accountability Fund.


World News

Protests spread all over the world to condemn the murder of Berta Cáceres

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Protests spread all over the world to condemn the murder of Berta Cáceres


After the dreadful murder of Honduran human rights activist and environmental defender, Berta Cáceres, many women organizations have organized protests and acts of repudiation of this crime.

After the dreadful murder of Honduran human rights activist and environmental defender, Berta Cáceres, many women organizations have organized protests and acts of repudiation of this crime.

World News

European Women's Lobby joins Women Refugee Commission to raise awareness on the situation of women refugees

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European Women's Lobby joins Women Refugee Commission to raise awareness on the situation of women refugees


The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Women Refugee Commission (WRC) have decided to work together to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls in Europe fleeing conflict. European and national policies are gender blind to the reality faced by women and girls on the road, especially when it comes to the different forms of violence they face at all stages of their journey towards peace.

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Women Refugee Commission (WRC) have decided to work together to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls in Europe fleeing conflict. European and national policies are gender blind to the reality faced by women and girls on the road, especially when it comes to the different forms of violence they face at all stages of their journey towards peace.