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World News

Research Stresses the Importance of Gender Quotas to Improve Life Standards for Girls in India

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Research Stresses the Importance of Gender Quotas to Improve Life Standards for Girls in India


A recent article authored by Ms. Miriam Kelberg stresses the importance of gender quotas in India as a way to improve the standards of living for girls in this country. Gender quotas in India have had a strong impact at the local level, having changed deeply Indian society, according to Ms. Kelberg. Those local governments with higher proportions of women representation pay more attention to issues like water access and welfare programs.

A recent article authored by Ms. Miriam Kelberg stresses the importance of gender quotas in India as a way to improve the standards of living for girls in this country. Gender quotas in India have had a strong impact at the local level, having changed deeply Indian society, according to Ms. Kelberg. Those local governments with higher proportions of women representation pay more attention to issues like water access and welfare programs.

World News

Australian Liberal Party wants to increase the number of female MPs to 50 per cent during the following decade

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Australian Liberal Party wants to increase the number of female MPs to 50 per cent during the following decade


In Australia the Liberal Party had recently stated that it is considering to double the proportion of its female Members of Parliament. This objective is supposed to be achieve during the next ten years. The reasons for this change go beyond the political empowerment of women, also involving greater levels of accountability and transparency.

In Australia the Liberal Party had recently stated that it is considering to double the proportion of its female Members of Parliament. This objective is supposed to be achieve during the next ten years. The reasons for this change go beyond the political empowerment of women, also involving greater levels of accountability and transparency.

World News

Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections

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Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections


Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.

Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.

World News

Political Geographer Claire Mc Ging discusses the implications of gender quotas in Ireland

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Political Geographer Claire Mc Ging discusses the implications of gender quotas in Ireland


Political Geographer, Ms. Claire Mc Ging, based at Maynooth University (Ireland) has recently posted an interesting article on how to increase women’s political representation at the London School of Economics webpage.

Political Geographer, Ms. Claire Mc Ging, based at Maynooth University (Ireland) has recently posted an interesting article on how to increase women’s political representation at the London School of Economics webpage.

World News

Female Ministers in Canada's Parity Government Have Less Interventions than their Men Counterparts in Parliament

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Female Ministers in Canada's Parity Government Have Less Interventions than their Men Counterparts in Parliament


After widespread celebrations of Canada’s parity government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with 15 men and 15 women, first gender criticisms are currently emerging. Thus, Glen McGregor, journalist at the newspaper Ottawa Citizen wrote recently ‘Female ministers in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet fielded fewer than half as many questions as their male colleagues in the House of Commons in December’.

After widespread celebrations of Canada’s parity government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with 15 men and 15 women, first gender criticisms are currently emerging. Thus, Glen McGregor, journalist at the newspaper Ottawa Citizen wrote recently ‘Female ministers in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet fielded fewer than half as many questions as their male colleagues in the House of Commons in December’.

World News

Female British Politicians Discuss Gender Quotas

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Female British Politicians Discuss Gender Quotas


British UKIP Politician and Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Louise Bours (see image), made recently a statement against gender quotas benefiting the participation of women in politics. Her statement followed the commentaries of Ms. Harriet Harman, former Labour deputy leader, who told the BBC ‘We can’t have a men-only leadership when we are party for women and equality’. Harman’s declarations followed the announcement of a reshuffle of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.

British UKIP Politician and Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Louise Bours (see image), made recently a statement against gender quotas benefiting the participation of women in politics. Her statement followed the commentaries of Ms. Harriet Harman, former Labour deputy leader, who told the BBC ‘We can’t have a men-only leadership when we are party for women and equality’. Harman’s declarations followed the announcement of a reshuffle of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.

World News

Very weak participation of women in Middle East peace talks

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Very weak participation of women in Middle East peace talks


The ongoing peace negotiations for the Middle East region, and Syria in particular, are not taking into account the role of women. This misrecognition of women, against the Security Council resolution 1325, is particularly serious in a situation in which women were deeply involved during the origins of the 2011 revolutions against Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

The ongoing peace negotiations for the Middle East region, and Syria in particular, are not taking into account the role of women. This misrecognition of women, against the Security Council resolution 1325, is particularly serious in a situation in which women were deeply involved during the origins of the 2011 revolutions against Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

World News

Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women

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Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women


The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

Promoting Women's Political Participation: A MONITORING GUIDE

December 28, 2015

Promoting Women's Political Participation: A MONITORING GUIDE

The program “Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in China,” implemented between 2011 and 2015 by the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) with the support of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, has

The program “Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in China,” implemented between 2011 and 2015 by the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) with the support of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, has


"Our Women in Politics and Society"

Submitted by admin1 on
December 28, 2015

"Our Women in Politics and Society"

The preview of the League of Tunisian Women Voters latest documentary, directed by Tunisian actress Anissa Daoud, on the achievements and struggles of Tunisian women to bring real change to their s

The preview of the League of Tunisian Women Voters latest documentary, directed by Tunisian actress Anissa Daoud, on the achievements and struggles of Tunisian women to bring real change to their s