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World News

Parliamentarians in Niger gather around the theme of "Gender and Islam"

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Parliamentarians in Niger gather around the theme of "Gender and Islam"


Nearly 30 members of Niger’s national assembly discussed the relationship between gender and Islam during a one-day forum organized by NDI in Sadoré (40 km from Niamey, the capital of Niger) on March 7. Their objective  was to familiarize members of parliament (MPs) with the different schools of thought that exist within Islam on themes connected to gender, human rights and education.

Nearly 30 members of Niger’s national assembly discussed the relationship between gender and Islam during a one-day forum organized by NDI in Sadoré (40 km from Niamey, the capital of Niger) on March 7. Their objective  was to familiarize members of parliament (MPs) with the different schools of thought that exist within Islam on themes connected to gender, human rights and education.

World News

We women must vote or be ignored

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We women must vote or be ignored


On February 6, 1918, a select group gained suffrage but it took 10 more years before all women had the same voting rights as men. Yet at the last election, in 2010, more than nine million women didn’t use that hard-won right. As we approach polling day on May 7, it is worth remembering what women were doing 100 ago to secure the right to vote.

On February 6, 1918, a select group gained suffrage but it took 10 more years before all women had the same voting rights as men. Yet at the last election, in 2010, more than nine million women didn’t use that hard-won right. As we approach polling day on May 7, it is worth remembering what women were doing 100 ago to secure the right to vote.

World News

Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Presidential Bid

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Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Presidential Bid


Ending two years of speculation and coy denials, Hillary Rodham Clintonannounced on Sunday that she would seek the presidency for a second time, immediately establishing herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee.

Ending two years of speculation and coy denials, Hillary Rodham Clintonannounced on Sunday that she would seek the presidency for a second time, immediately establishing herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee.

World News

UNDP is preparing women to contest in the upcoming elections in Bougainville

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UNDP is preparing women to contest in the upcoming elections in Bougainville


UNDP has been providing training to 25 aspiring women, offering information on advocacy and lobbying tools, and also a chance to network. 

To listen to Julie Bukikkun, UNDP Assistant Representative for Governance in UNDP PNG Country Office, speaking on ABC Radio Australia about how and why women should be more involved in leadership and policy-making please click here.

UNDP has been providing training to 25 aspiring women, offering information on advocacy and lobbying tools, and also a chance to network. 

To listen to Julie Bukikkun, UNDP Assistant Representative for Governance in UNDP PNG Country Office, speaking on ABC Radio Australia about how and why women should be more involved in leadership and policy-making please click here.

World News

The (slow) rise of women-oriented political parties

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The (slow) rise of women-oriented political parties


Since 2001, at least 14 political parties with a women-oriented political agenda have emerged across India, according to an analysis of an official list of political parties from April 2001 to January 2015.

Since 2001, at least 14 political parties with a women-oriented political agenda have emerged across India, according to an analysis of an official list of political parties from April 2001 to January 2015.

World News

International IDEA - Senior Programme Officer - Democracy and Gender

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International IDEA - Senior Programme Officer - Democracy and Gender


International IDEA’s West Asia and North Africa programme began in 2011 and has been working to support women in politics since as the objective of gender equality is indivisible from International IDEA’s goal of sustainable democracy worldwide. This is of particular importance in the context of the transitions to representative democracy throughout much of the West Asia and North Africa Region.

International IDEA’s West Asia and North Africa programme began in 2011 and has been working to support women in politics since as the objective of gender equality is indivisible from International IDEA’s goal of sustainable democracy worldwide. This is of particular importance in the context of the transitions to representative democracy throughout much of the West Asia and North Africa Region.

World News

Comic & Cartoon Competition - Gender Equality: Picture It!

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Comic & Cartoon Competition - Gender Equality: Picture It!


UN Women together with the European Commission, the Belgian Development Cooperation, and UNRIC is organizing a Comic and Cartoon Competition on Gender Equality.

UN Women together with the European Commission, the Belgian Development Cooperation, and UNRIC is organizing a Comic and Cartoon Competition on Gender Equality.

World News

Kurdish women’s movement reshapes Turkish politics

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Kurdish women’s movement reshapes Turkish politics


The People’s Democracy Party (HDP) has co-chairs for all representative levels. A female and male official share the responsibility. The party is chaired by Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag. The HDP has become the fastest-growing political movement in Turkey since the August 2014 election.


The People’s Democracy Party (HDP) has co-chairs for all representative levels. A female and male official share the responsibility. The party is chaired by Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag. The HDP has become the fastest-growing political movement in Turkey since the August 2014 election.


Law as a first step to equal rights

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By Graziele Grilo I watched the movie “The Judge” and one quote of Billy Bob Thornton’s character got my attention. At a certain point in the movie, he says “The law is the only thing capable of making people equal”. I kept thinking about it because it reminded me of an article published during International Women’s Day stating how many laws still exist that prevent women from having equal rights.
