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World News

In Discussion on Gender and Decision-Making, Only One Gender Represented

Submitted by Beeckmans Ruth on

In Discussion on Gender and Decision-Making, Only One Gender Represented


Glancing around the room, it seemed that the Feb. 24 event that NDI’s Gender, Women and Democracy (GWD) team put on had a great turnout. About 60 people from the federal government, academic institutions, multilateral organizations and NGOs were present. Despite the impressive attendance, one startling detail caught my attention as everyone took their seats: nearly everyone was a woman – there was one man on the panel and only two male guests in the audience. This, to me, spoke volumes about the state of the movement for women’s empowerment and gender equality.


Glancing around the room, it seemed that the Feb. 24 event that NDI’s Gender, Women and Democracy (GWD) team put on had a great turnout. About 60 people from the federal government, academic institutions, multilateral organizations and NGOs were present. Despite the impressive attendance, one startling detail caught my attention as everyone took their seats: nearly everyone was a woman – there was one man on the panel and only two male guests in the audience. This, to me, spoke volumes about the state of the movement for women’s empowerment and gender equality.


World News

Tonga's Cabinet agrees to ratify CEDAW

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Tonga's Cabinet agrees to ratify CEDAW


The Government of the Kingdom of Tonga announced this evening in a statement that it has agreed to ratify the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) after lengthy and thorough discussions in Cabinet last week, on Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 March 2015. The decision comes as a breakthrough for Tonga’s women’s organisations who have been seeking government’s consent for two decades.

The Government of the Kingdom of Tonga announced this evening in a statement that it has agreed to ratify the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) after lengthy and thorough discussions in Cabinet last week, on Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 March 2015. The decision comes as a breakthrough for Tonga’s women’s organisations who have been seeking government’s consent for two decades.

World News

Jamaica Committed to a Transformative Post-2015 Agenda, Minister Falconer Tells U.N.

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Jamaica Committed to a Transformative Post-2015 Agenda, Minister Falconer Tells U.N.


Delivering the Country Statement to the Assembly on Monday (March 9), Minister Falconer stated Jamaica’s commitment to a “transformative Post 2015 Agenda with the sustainable development goals and equal rights for women and girls at its core. We must ensure the creation of a holistic, practical and meaningful framework that builds on the positive foundation and conquers the scourges of poverty, marginalisation, gender-based violence, discrimination and social exclusion which affect so many women and girls.”

Delivering the Country Statement to the Assembly on Monday (March 9), Minister Falconer stated Jamaica’s commitment to a “transformative Post 2015 Agenda with the sustainable development goals and equal rights for women and girls at its core. We must ensure the creation of a holistic, practical and meaningful framework that builds on the positive foundation and conquers the scourges of poverty, marginalisation, gender-based violence, discrimination and social exclusion which affect so many women and girls.”

World News

Libyan woman gives opening address at UN 59th session of Commission on the Status of Women

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Libyan woman gives opening address at UN 59th session of Commission on the Status of Women


“As we open this 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), we must remember: we can make faster, greater progress if we empower the millions of women peace builders, activists and citizen entrepreneurs around the world making a difference in their communities day by day.”

“As we open this 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), we must remember: we can make faster, greater progress if we empower the millions of women peace builders, activists and citizen entrepreneurs around the world making a difference in their communities day by day.”


Venice Academy of Human Rights: (Dis)Integration through Human Rights: Citizens, Courts, Communities


Venice Academy of Human Rights: (Dis)Integration through Human Rights: Citizens, Courts, Communities

The Venice Academy of Human Rights is an international and interdisciplinary programme of excellence for human rights education, research and debate.

World News

Indonesia: a political ground shift for women

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Indonesia: a political ground shift for women


Sahanan thought her chance of being elected to the Lampung Provincial Parliament in Indonesia on last year’s parliamentary poll was next to none. 

Tina Chadarsi, jostling for a district parliamentary seat in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, had similar misgivings.  They were running against at least dozens of other candidates from 12 political parties. “As a housewife, I was really pessimistic that could be elected,” Sahanan said.

Sahanan thought her chance of being elected to the Lampung Provincial Parliament in Indonesia on last year’s parliamentary poll was next to none. 

Tina Chadarsi, jostling for a district parliamentary seat in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, had similar misgivings.  They were running against at least dozens of other candidates from 12 political parties. “As a housewife, I was really pessimistic that could be elected,” Sahanan said.

World News

Twenty parliamentarians participate in exchange on leadership in the digital economy

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Twenty parliamentarians participate in exchange on leadership in the digital economy


In many countries around the world, citizens have embraced social media and new technology more rapidly than legislatures—which are, by their nature, often tradition-bound institutions. Helping elected leaders rethink approaches to citizen engagement in the digital age was a central theme of a 10-day parliamentary exchange on “Leadership in the Digital Economy” co-organized by NDI.

In many countries around the world, citizens have embraced social media and new technology more rapidly than legislatures—which are, by their nature, often tradition-bound institutions. Helping elected leaders rethink approaches to citizen engagement in the digital age was a central theme of a 10-day parliamentary exchange on “Leadership in the Digital Economy” co-organized by NDI.

World News

The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women

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The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women


The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 March 2015. Representatives of Member States , UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs)  from all regions of the world attend the session.



The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 March 2015. Representatives of Member States , UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs)  from all regions of the world attend the session.



Webinar Youth for Democracy and Social Action

March 6, 2015

Webinar Youth for Democracy and Social Action

Traditional political institutions have undertaken efforts to become more accessible for young people and women yet it seems these efforts were not enough to break the hierarchical structure of these institutions.

Traditional political institutions have undertaken efforts to become more accessible for young people and women yet it seems these efforts were not enough to break the hierarchical structure of these institutions.

Happy March 8th (S vas’-MIM MAR-ta) to Russia

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By Jillian Smith,  “S vas’-MIM MAR-ta!” (Happy March 8th!) will be an oft-repeated phrase in Russia this Sunday as the country – and the rest of the world – celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD).  Russian men will treat special ladies in their lives with gifts, flowers, wine, and dinner – a day not unlike Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day here in the West (Insiders Guide, 2015).  In fact, Monday will be a public holiday in Russia to obser