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World News

Pakistan: World unites for education on Malala Day

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Pakistan: World unites for education on Malala Day


Different ceremonies were held to honour the bravery of the child peace activist, glorifying her stance against extremism and for women’s education.

A 17-year-old schoolboy presented a petition in support of Malala Yousafzai to the Pakistan High Commission on the global day of action for girls’ education which saw the whole world uniting behind Malala.

Sunderland student David Crone, a UN and Plan UK Youth representative, handed in the documents which call for every child to have the right to go to school as part of a drive led by former prime minister Gordon Brown.

Different ceremonies were held to honour the bravery of the child peace activist, glorifying her stance against extremism and for women’s education.

A 17-year-old schoolboy presented a petition in support of Malala Yousafzai to the Pakistan High Commission on the global day of action for girls’ education which saw the whole world uniting behind Malala.

Sunderland student David Crone, a UN and Plan UK Youth representative, handed in the documents which call for every child to have the right to go to school as part of a drive led by former prime minister Gordon Brown.

World News

UNDP: Calls for the Formation of a Caucus of Women Political Leaders across Party Lines

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UNDP: Calls for the Formation of a Caucus of Women Political Leaders across Party Lines


UNDP has called for the formation of a caucus of women political leaders across party lines to enhance women’s participation within political parties and to advocate for the Women’s Reservation Bill as a collective voice.

For affirmative action to happen – be it quotas in Parliament or in political parties – mobilization of women around an integrated development agenda is critical. This was one of the key recommendations that emerged from the Roundtable on Women’s Participation in Politics organized by the United Nations Development Programme.

UNDP has called for the formation of a caucus of women political leaders across party lines to enhance women’s participation within political parties and to advocate for the Women’s Reservation Bill as a collective voice.

For affirmative action to happen – be it quotas in Parliament or in political parties – mobilization of women around an integrated development agenda is critical. This was one of the key recommendations that emerged from the Roundtable on Women’s Participation in Politics organized by the United Nations Development Programme.


CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia


CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia

CREA's Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute South Asia

28 January - 1 February 2013

Kathmandu, Nepal

World News

China: In Communist China, women officially equal but lagging far behind politically

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China: In Communist China, women officially equal but lagging far behind politically


Mao Zedong was arguably the father of Chinese feminism, with his famous observation that “women hold up half the sky.” But when Mao’s Communist Party heirs take to the stage next week to unveil their new leadership lineup, there aren’t likely to be many females — if any — among the country’s new rulers.

Mao Zedong was arguably the father of Chinese feminism, with his famous observation that “women hold up half the sky.” But when Mao’s Communist Party heirs take to the stage next week to unveil their new leadership lineup, there aren’t likely to be many females — if any — among the country’s new rulers.

World News

Vanuatu: All female candidates miss out in Vanuatu election

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Vanuatu: All female candidates miss out in Vanuatu election


None of the 10 women who contested the Vanuatu national election on Tuesday have succeeded in winning a seat.

The country's electoral commission won't announce the final results until next week, but according to unofficial counts none of the 52 seats in parliament will go to a female candidate.

Jenny Ligo, one of five women running in the capital Port Vila, said they failed to get the backing of female voters.

Read more at Radio Australia, published 2 November 2012.

None of the 10 women who contested the Vanuatu national election on Tuesday have succeeded in winning a seat.

The country's electoral commission won't announce the final results until next week, but according to unofficial counts none of the 52 seats in parliament will go to a female candidate.

Jenny Ligo, one of five women running in the capital Port Vila, said they failed to get the backing of female voters.

Read more at Radio Australia, published 2 November 2012.

World News

Well-known Pakistani journalist Marvi Sirmed shot at

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Well-known Pakistani journalist Marvi Sirmed shot at


Unidentified gunmen today attacked prominent rights activist Marvi Sirmed in the Pakistani capital. She escaped unharmed.

The gunmen, who were in a black car, fired at Sirmed's vehicle at Murree Road near Bani Gala on the outskirts of Islamabad while she was returning home from work. Sirmed has received threats from extremist groups several times in the past. 

"They tried to target us twice and fired several shots at my car which they missed. Luckily, my driver sped away and we escaped," Sirmed told PTI.

Unidentified gunmen today attacked prominent rights activist Marvi Sirmed in the Pakistani capital. She escaped unharmed.

The gunmen, who were in a black car, fired at Sirmed's vehicle at Murree Road near Bani Gala on the outskirts of Islamabad while she was returning home from work. Sirmed has received threats from extremist groups several times in the past. 

"They tried to target us twice and fired several shots at my car which they missed. Luckily, my driver sped away and we escaped," Sirmed told PTI.

World News

India: Rahul exhorts young guns and women to take the leap towards politics

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India: Rahul exhorts young guns and women to take the leap towards politics


Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi took to the campaign trail in Himachal Pradesh by exhorting the youth to be more participative in politics.

The young leader also talked about the merits of women in politics, saying states with politicians from the fairer sex were more developed than others.

Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi took to the campaign trail in Himachal Pradesh by exhorting the youth to be more participative in politics.

The young leader also talked about the merits of women in politics, saying states with politicians from the fairer sex were more developed than others.

World News

Afghanistan: Women among victims of Afghanistan attacks

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Afghanistan: Women among victims of Afghanistan attacks


The UN says 1,145 civilians were killed in the Afghan war in the first six months of this year, blaming 80 per cent of the deaths on fighters - more than half of those caused by roadside bombs.

Both developments come as the independent election commission officially announced April 5, 2014, as the date of the next presidential election in the Central Asian nation.

Fazel Ahmad Manawi, chief of the Independent Election Commission, said on Wednesday that provincial elections would take place on the same day.

The UN says 1,145 civilians were killed in the Afghan war in the first six months of this year, blaming 80 per cent of the deaths on fighters - more than half of those caused by roadside bombs.

Both developments come as the independent election commission officially announced April 5, 2014, as the date of the next presidential election in the Central Asian nation.

Fazel Ahmad Manawi, chief of the Independent Election Commission, said on Wednesday that provincial elections would take place on the same day.