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How women have helped change the culture of politics in Quebec

May 17, 2022

How women have helped change the culture of politics in Quebec

As a high number of women leave the National Assembly, things are slow to change — but getting better.

As a high number of women leave the National Assembly, things are slow to change — but getting better.

One in four women in Quebec's National Assembly aren't seeking re-election. What happened?

May 11, 2022

One in four women in Quebec's National Assembly aren't seeking re-election. What happened?

For women leaving Quebec politics, is quitting an act of self-preservation?

For women leaving Quebec politics, is quitting an act of self-preservation?

World News

Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics

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Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics


The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

Canada: Women in politics study

April 11, 2022

Canada: Women in politics study

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

World News

Canadian Alexa McDonough, former NDP leader and trailblazer for women in politics, has died

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Canadian Alexa McDonough, former NDP leader and trailblazer for women in politics, has died


Alexa McDonough, whose leadership of the Nova Scotia NDP in 1980 made her the first woman to lead a major political party in Canada, has died at the age of 77.

McDonough, who also became the leader of the federal New Democratic Party in 1995, died at a care home in Halifax on Saturday after a lengthy struggle with Alzheimer's disease, her family said.

Alexa McDonough, whose leadership of the Nova Scotia NDP in 1980 made her the first woman to lead a major political party in Canada, has died at the age of 77.

McDonough, who also became the leader of the federal New Democratic Party in 1995, died at a care home in Halifax on Saturday after a lengthy struggle with Alzheimer's disease, her family said.


100th anniversary of the first woman being elected to the Canadian House of Commons


100th anniversary of the first woman being elected to the Canadian House of Commons

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the first woman being elected to the House of Commons.

World News

Trudeau shuffles Canadian cabinet, maintains gender balance

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Trudeau shuffles Canadian cabinet, maintains gender balance


Maintaining that he intends to lead his party into the next election, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday overhauled his gender balanced cabinet, naming women to the foreign affairs and defense posts.

Trudeau named Mélanie Joly as foreign minister and Anita Anand as defense minister. Chrystia Freeland retains her positions as deputy prime minister and finance minister.

Maintaining that he intends to lead his party into the next election, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday overhauled his gender balanced cabinet, naming women to the foreign affairs and defense posts.

Trudeau named Mélanie Joly as foreign minister and Anita Anand as defense minister. Chrystia Freeland retains her positions as deputy prime minister and finance minister.

World News

Indigenous leaders praise historic election victories by women

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Indigenous leaders praise historic election victories by women


It's no coincidence that a wave of Indigenous women have won leadership roles previously held only by men, say leaders and advocates.

It's no coincidence that a wave of Indigenous women have won leadership roles previously held only by men, say leaders and advocates.