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Women's Rights and Agenda To Be Incorporated In The New Constitution

September 12, 2011

Women's Rights and Agenda To Be Incorporated In The New Constitution

This publication was prepared after studying the preliminary drafts and reports of the thematic committees of the Constituent Assembly and of the Constitutional Committee to assess whether or not all of the issues to do with women’s rights have been incorporated.

This publication was prepared after studying the preliminary drafts and reports of the thematic committees of the Constituent Assembly and of the Constitutional Committee to assess whether or not all of the issues to do with women’s rights have been incorporated.

Participation in Constitution Making: Making Women Voices Heard

September 12, 2011

Participation in Constitution Making: Making Women Voices Heard

Th e Women and Constitution Building Initiative in Nepal was initiated (June 2008) in the spirit of a newlyformed Constitution Assembly (CA) which saw the election of a high percentage of women.

Th e Women and Constitution Building Initiative in Nepal was initiated (June 2008) in the spirit of a newlyformed Constitution Assembly (CA) which saw the election of a high percentage of women.

Constituent Assembly Procedures from a Gender Perspective

September 12, 2011

Constituent Assembly Procedures from a Gender Perspective

This paper raises issues about how the Constituent Assembly will work, and how its procedures will have an impact both on the way in which women members will be able to play a part in its work, and on how women’s issues will dealt with in the new Constitution which it is the purpo

This paper raises issues about how the Constituent Assembly will work, and how its procedures will have an impact both on the way in which women members will be able to play a part in its work, and on how women’s issues will dealt with in the new Constitution which it is the purpo

Marching Ahead: A Profile Book of Women Constituent Assembly Members (Nepal)

May 23, 2011

Marching Ahead: A Profile Book of Women Constituent Assembly Members (Nepal)

The women of Nepal are strong, articulate and capable leaders. The constituent Assembly members selected and profiled in this book  demonstrate to all women and men that leadership arises in all segments of society, all backgrounds, regions, ethnicities, castes and political parties.

The women of Nepal are strong, articulate and capable leaders. The constituent Assembly members selected and profiled in this book  demonstrate to all women and men that leadership arises in all segments of society, all backgrounds, regions, ethnicities, castes and political parties.

Nepal Human Development Report 2009: State Transformation and Human Development

March 7, 2011

Nepal Human Development Report 2009: State Transformation and Human Development

Without peace, human development is not possible and without human development, peace is not sustainable. Both require inclusion and participation—which can evolve through the restructuring of the state and deepening of the democracy of a political system.

Without peace, human development is not possible and without human development, peace is not sustainable. Both require inclusion and participation—which can evolve through the restructuring of the state and deepening of the democracy of a political system.

Aid Effectiveness and the Implementation of SCR 1325 in Nepal - Financing Inclusive Peace and Security for Women in Nepal

October 20, 2010

Aid Effectiveness and the Implementation of SCR 1325 in Nepal - Financing Inclusive Peace and Security for Women in Nepal

Actualizing the promises and potential of Security Council resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889 requires intentional action at the national level by a range of stakeholders.

Actualizing the promises and potential of Security Council resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889 requires intentional action at the national level by a range of stakeholders.


Democracies without Violence: Engendering Politics, Policies and Actions


Democracies without Violence: Engendering Politics, Policies and Actions

In South Asia, the concept of power and authority are ascribed to certain social characteristics determined by the male privileged groups to exclude women.