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North Africa and Middle East

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

April 22, 2013

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.


A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.


World News

Language of women’s rights’ disappears from Egyptian revolution

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Language of women’s rights’ disappears from Egyptian revolution


Egypt’s uprising in early 2011 was celebrated as a bona fide people’s revolution, the distinct presence of female protestors at Tahrir Square appeared to promise a reformed state with women’s rights and democratic values at the forefront. But not long after the fall of former President Mubarak, did the women see their hope of equal rights disintegrate.

Egypt’s uprising in early 2011 was celebrated as a bona fide people’s revolution, the distinct presence of female protestors at Tahrir Square appeared to promise a reformed state with women’s rights and democratic values at the forefront. But not long after the fall of former President Mubarak, did the women see their hope of equal rights disintegrate.

Report of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice

April 19, 2013

Report of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice

The present report is submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 15/23.
The present report is submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 15/23.

World News

Nude Feminism Challenges Islamist Discourse

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Nude Feminism Challenges Islamist Discourse


In the aftermath of the wave of uprisings that took place across the Arab world in 2011, women were placed under the spotlight of post-revolution political discussion. During the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, the contribution of Arab women to the toppling of the Ben Ali and Mubarak regimes was both undeniable and admired.


In the aftermath of the wave of uprisings that took place across the Arab world in 2011, women were placed under the spotlight of post-revolution political discussion. During the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, the contribution of Arab women to the toppling of the Ben Ali and Mubarak regimes was both undeniable and admired.


World News

Muslim Women Redefine Feminism

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Muslim Women Redefine Feminism


Marginalized by both a patriarchal society and the narrow confines of Western feminist discourse, Muslim women around the world are developing their own form of activism.

Marginalized by both a patriarchal society and the narrow confines of Western feminist discourse, Muslim women around the world are developing their own form of activism.

World News

Politics, Elections and the “Reality” of Women’s Rights in Kuwait

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Politics, Elections and the “Reality” of Women’s Rights in Kuwait


Political authoritarianism has been constant feature in the Arab political systems, and despite the ongoing “Arab Spring,” there is a continuing tendency to prevent women from freely participating in political processes. Recently, a handful of Arab countries have consented to slightly alter their political systems so as to allow women and opposition groups to have a greater say on political issues.

Political authoritarianism has been constant feature in the Arab political systems, and despite the ongoing “Arab Spring,” there is a continuing tendency to prevent women from freely participating in political processes. Recently, a handful of Arab countries have consented to slightly alter their political systems so as to allow women and opposition groups to have a greater say on political issues.

World News

Islamic Extremists Alarm Secular Women in Tunisia

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Islamic Extremists Alarm Secular Women in Tunisia


Tensions are rising between secular Tunisian women and political Islam. "There is no room for the opposition and women to participate in building the country we want," says one critic.

Nineteen-year-old Tunisian feminist Amina Tyler wrote these words in Arabic across her breasts and stomach to defy growing Islamism in her country, and then posted topless pictures of herself on the Facebook page of the organization Femen Tunisia.

Tensions are rising between secular Tunisian women and political Islam. "There is no room for the opposition and women to participate in building the country we want," says one critic.

Nineteen-year-old Tunisian feminist Amina Tyler wrote these words in Arabic across her breasts and stomach to defy growing Islamism in her country, and then posted topless pictures of herself on the Facebook page of the organization Femen Tunisia.

World News

Morocco’s Gender-Equality Laws Fail to Improve Situation

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Morocco’s Gender-Equality Laws Fail to Improve Situation


In the last 10 years, Morocco has witnessed two divergent trends relating to economic equality between women and men.

In the last 10 years, Morocco has witnessed two divergent trends relating to economic equality between women and men.