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Arab Spring

World News

Woman Running for President Shows Tunisia’s Arab Spring Progress

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Woman Running for President Shows Tunisia’s Arab Spring Progress


In a life spanning colonial rule, war, autocracy and revolution, Tunis resident Halima never saw a reason to vote.

A chance meeting in a souk earlier this month gave her one. She was introduced to Kalthoum Kannou, who has three children, a long marriage to a doctor, a 25-year career as a judge and an ambition to be the first female president of Tunisia.

In a life spanning colonial rule, war, autocracy and revolution, Tunis resident Halima never saw a reason to vote.

A chance meeting in a souk earlier this month gave her one. She was introduced to Kalthoum Kannou, who has three children, a long marriage to a doctor, a 25-year career as a judge and an ambition to be the first female president of Tunisia.

World News

Few women on Tunisian parliamentary poll lists

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Few women on Tunisian parliamentary poll lists


Tunisia, despite being the most advanced Arab nation in terms of women's rights, is still fare from adhering fully to the principles enshrined in the January 2014 Constitution and from abiding by the ratification of international treaties in daily life. Though 47% of candidates for Tunisia's parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday are women, only 12% of them are on top of the electoral lists of candidates. This is a slight improvement on the previous elections, when the figure was 7%, but still shows a lack of equal opportunities for women. 

Tunisia, despite being the most advanced Arab nation in terms of women's rights, is still fare from adhering fully to the principles enshrined in the January 2014 Constitution and from abiding by the ratification of international treaties in daily life. Though 47% of candidates for Tunisia's parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday are women, only 12% of them are on top of the electoral lists of candidates. This is a slight improvement on the previous elections, when the figure was 7%, but still shows a lack of equal opportunities for women. 

World News

Tunisia’s Sister of the Revolution

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Tunisia’s Sister of the Revolution


Ikram Ben Said took part in the Arab Spring's first successful uprising — and then realized that the struggle for women's rights in Tunisia was just beginning

Ikram Ben Said took part in the Arab Spring's first successful uprising — and then realized that the struggle for women's rights in Tunisia was just beginning

World News

Helen Clark, Top UN Official, Warns Against Syria Intervention At Women Of The Year Lecture

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Helen Clark, Top UN Official, Warns Against Syria Intervention At Women Of The Year Lecture


One of the UN's most senior leaders has warned against Western intervention in Syria, drawing on her experience as prime minister of New Zealand when she decided not to take the country to war with Iraq.

Helen Clark, who was a Labour prime minister of New Zealand for nine years, said she had never regretted her decision not to join the Allies in the toppling of Sadaam Hussein.


One of the UN's most senior leaders has warned against Western intervention in Syria, drawing on her experience as prime minister of New Zealand when she decided not to take the country to war with Iraq.

Helen Clark, who was a Labour prime minister of New Zealand for nine years, said she had never regretted her decision not to join the Allies in the toppling of Sadaam Hussein.


World News

The Status of Women’s Rights – Post-Arab Spring

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The Status of Women’s Rights – Post-Arab Spring


When citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) took to the streets in early 2011 in demonstrations that toppled autocratic regimes, one after another, a new democratic rule with more rights and representation for all, including women, were chief among the demands. The people of the region seized onto the importance of political empowerment and many saw an opportunity within the newly evolving political order to positively impact universal human rights, especially the rights of women and ethnic minorities. 

When citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) took to the streets in early 2011 in demonstrations that toppled autocratic regimes, one after another, a new democratic rule with more rights and representation for all, including women, were chief among the demands. The people of the region seized onto the importance of political empowerment and many saw an opportunity within the newly evolving political order to positively impact universal human rights, especially the rights of women and ethnic minorities. 

World News

Arab Spring nations backtrack on women's rights

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Arab Spring nations backtrack on women's rights


Arab women played a central role in the Arab Spring, but their hopes the revolts would bring greater freedom and expanded rights for women have been thwarted by entrenched patriarchal structures and the rise of Islamists, gender experts in the countries say.

Arab women played a central role in the Arab Spring, but their hopes the revolts would bring greater freedom and expanded rights for women have been thwarted by entrenched patriarchal structures and the rise of Islamists, gender experts in the countries say.

World News

Constituent Assembly’s female representation shows poor quantity, good quality: women’s rights activists

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Constituent Assembly’s female representation shows poor quantity, good quality: women’s rights activists


World News

Women reshape Tunisia’s political landscape

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Women reshape Tunisia’s political landscape


Female activists play an invaluable role in the country that gave rise to the Arab Spring

Despite the recent political chaos in the country, Tunisia cannot be written off as a potentially failed state. Behind the scenes, citizens — especially women — are keeping Ennahdha, the Islamic party ruling in a coalition with two secular parties, from slipping into extremism.

Female activists play an invaluable role in the country that gave rise to the Arab Spring

Despite the recent political chaos in the country, Tunisia cannot be written off as a potentially failed state. Behind the scenes, citizens — especially women — are keeping Ennahdha, the Islamic party ruling in a coalition with two secular parties, from slipping into extremism.

World News

Egyptian Wants More Women in Politics

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Egyptian Wants More Women in Politics


Director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT) in Cairo, since 1990 Kamel has prepared Egyptian women to run for political office while advocating laws that uphold women's rights and criminalize domestic violence.

Director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT) in Cairo, since 1990 Kamel has prepared Egyptian women to run for political office while advocating laws that uphold women's rights and criminalize domestic violence.