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North Africa and Middle East

World News

Women for Change: Two projects in favor of women in South of the Mediterranean win

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Women for Change: Two projects in favor of women in South of the Mediterranean win


The Women for Change award is a joint initiative that started in 2013 by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, the Orange Foundation and Marie Claire.

The Women for Change award is a joint initiative that started in 2013 by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, the Orange Foundation and Marie Claire.

World News

International IDEA - Senior Programme Officer - Democracy and Gender

Submitted by Beeckmans Ruth on

International IDEA - Senior Programme Officer - Democracy and Gender


International IDEA’s West Asia and North Africa programme began in 2011 and has been working to support women in politics since as the objective of gender equality is indivisible from International IDEA’s goal of sustainable democracy worldwide. This is of particular importance in the context of the transitions to representative democracy throughout much of the West Asia and North Africa Region.

International IDEA’s West Asia and North Africa programme began in 2011 and has been working to support women in politics since as the objective of gender equality is indivisible from International IDEA’s goal of sustainable democracy worldwide. This is of particular importance in the context of the transitions to representative democracy throughout much of the West Asia and North Africa Region.

World News

Libyan woman gives opening address at UN 59th session of Commission on the Status of Women

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Libyan woman gives opening address at UN 59th session of Commission on the Status of Women


“As we open this 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), we must remember: we can make faster, greater progress if we empower the millions of women peace builders, activists and citizen entrepreneurs around the world making a difference in their communities day by day.”

“As we open this 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), we must remember: we can make faster, greater progress if we empower the millions of women peace builders, activists and citizen entrepreneurs around the world making a difference in their communities day by day.”

World News

Meet the Kurdish female politician fighting the Islamic State

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Meet the Kurdish female politician fighting the Islamic State


Kurdish politician Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman tells Sofia Barbarani how her family were murdered in a terrorist attack and why she's battling Isil.

To read the article published on 20th February 2015, please click here.

Kurdish politician Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman tells Sofia Barbarani how her family were murdered in a terrorist attack and why she's battling Isil.

To read the article published on 20th February 2015, please click here.


She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
February 12, 2015

She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

World News

Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut

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Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut


Gender quotas in single-member district electoral systems

December 11, 2014

Gender quotas in single-member district electoral systems

Conventional knowledge on the effectiveness of gender quotas for enhancing women’s political participation has, to date, been unanimous on the superiority of quotas in proportional representat

Conventional knowledge on the effectiveness of gender quotas for enhancing women’s political participation has, to date, been unanimous on the superiority of quotas in proportional representat