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Women, politics and opposition

February 11, 2021

Women, politics and opposition

The conventional consensus is that Pakistan lags behind severely in gender equality. However, one area where it has made progress is women in politics. It is one of 70 countries in the world that has had a woman prime minister or president.

The conventional consensus is that Pakistan lags behind severely in gender equality. However, one area where it has made progress is women in politics. It is one of 70 countries in the world that has had a woman prime minister or president.

First African-Pakistani lawmaker fights discrimination to rise up in politics: Interview with Tanzeela Qambrani

September 3, 2020

First African-Pakistani lawmaker fights discrimination to rise up in politics: Interview with Tanzeela Qambrani

Tanzeela Qambrani (41) created history in Pakistan when she became the first Sheedi Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) of Sindh Assembly in 2018. Her election to the Sindh Assembly was significant for many reasons.

Tanzeela Qambrani (41) created history in Pakistan when she became the first Sheedi Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) of Sindh Assembly in 2018. Her election to the Sindh Assembly was significant for many reasons.

World News

Pakistan: Empowering women key to sustainable development:

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Pakistan: Empowering women key to sustainable development:


“Empowering young women is key to Pakistan’s sustainable social and economic development,” said Usman Dar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Youth Affairs.  

“Empowering young women is key to Pakistan’s sustainable social and economic development,” said Usman Dar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Youth Affairs.  

Women in politics in Pakistan

July 28, 2020

Women in politics in Pakistan

Numerous studies from two decades in Pakistan have indicated that what little empowerment of women we have seen till now has stemmed from the incr

Numerous studies from two decades in Pakistan have indicated that what little empowerment of women we have seen till now has stemmed from the incr

World News

A woman’s place is in the resistance: From the Aurat March to Shaheen Bagh

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A woman’s place is in the resistance: From the Aurat March to Shaheen Bagh


In 2018, several feminist groups in Pakistan organized marches under the banner of ‘Hum Auratien’ or simply Aurat (‘We Women’ in Urdu) in time for International Women’s Day on 8 March.

In 2018, several feminist groups in Pakistan organized marches under the banner of ‘Hum Auratien’ or simply Aurat (‘We Women’ in Urdu) in time for International Women’s Day on 8 March.

Online participation of female politicians in Pakistan's General Elections 2018

December 5, 2019

Online participation of female politicians in Pakistan's General Elections 2018

This research report seaks to analyze the use of social media during the 2018 General Election in Pakistan.

This research report seaks to analyze the use of social media during the 2018 General Election in Pakistan.

World News

Pakistan: Women parliamentarian in Sindh rise above political affiliation

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Pakistan: Women parliamentarian in Sindh rise above political affiliation


Women members of Sindh Assembly, representing both treasury and opposition benches here Friday pledged to unanimously support the cause of gender sensitivity, including provision for econom

Women members of Sindh Assembly, representing both treasury and opposition benches here Friday pledged to unanimously support the cause of gender sensitivity, including provision for econom

World News

Female Empowerment in Pakistan

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Female Empowerment in Pakistan


Pakistan ranks second lowest in the world for gender equality, placing at number 148 out of 149 countries. The nation ranked 146 in economic participation and opportunity and 97th in political empowerment. In an effort to work towards greater female empowerment in Pakistan, international humanitarian organizations are working with Pakistani women. Organizations UNDP and U.N. Women are creating initiatives to support greater political and economic equality.

Pakistan ranks second lowest in the world for gender equality, placing at number 148 out of 149 countries. The nation ranked 146 in economic participation and opportunity and 97th in political empowerment. In an effort to work towards greater female empowerment in Pakistan, international humanitarian organizations are working with Pakistani women. Organizations UNDP and U.N. Women are creating initiatives to support greater political and economic equality.