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Gender equality in public administration: Pakistan case study

May 23, 2019

Gender equality in public administration: Pakistan case study

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) have recognized the utility and effectiveness of the UN system ‘delivering as one’.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) have recognized the utility and effectiveness of the UN system ‘delivering as one’.

World News

The rising voices of women in Pakistan

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The rising voices of women in Pakistan


SHAHDARA, Pakistan – Bushra Khaliq stood in the middle of a village home, chin up and shoulders back, holding the attention of fifty women around her. Old and young, they wore Pakistani tunics and scarves; some cradled and fed babies, others shushed children who tugged at their sleeves. Sun from the open roof warmed Khaliq’s face as she looked around, holding eye contact with one woman, then another. “Who is going to decide your vote?” she asked. The women clapped and shouted in unison: “Myself!”

SHAHDARA, Pakistan – Bushra Khaliq stood in the middle of a village home, chin up and shoulders back, holding the attention of fifty women around her. Old and young, they wore Pakistani tunics and scarves; some cradled and fed babies, others shushed children who tugged at their sleeves. Sun from the open roof warmed Khaliq’s face as she looked around, holding eye contact with one woman, then another. “Who is going to decide your vote?” she asked. The women clapped and shouted in unison: “Myself!”

Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

December 7, 2018

Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.

World News

Change in Pakistan as women seize right to vote

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Change in Pakistan as women seize right to vote


Hameeda Shahid is making history. She is standing for parliament in a conservative tribal area of Pakistan which borders Afghanistan.

Dir was once a Taliban stronghold where women had few rights and were not even allowed vote.

She is fighting for a seat on former cricketer Imran Khan's party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf's ticket.

Hameeda Shahid is making history. She is standing for parliament in a conservative tribal area of Pakistan which borders Afghanistan.

Dir was once a Taliban stronghold where women had few rights and were not even allowed vote.

She is fighting for a seat on former cricketer Imran Khan's party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf's ticket.

World News

Pakistan: 3.8m more women added to electoral rolls due to registration drive, says ECP representative

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Pakistan: 3.8m more women added to electoral rolls due to registration drive, says ECP representative


An election commission representative has informed that the ECP’s aggressive registration drive in collaboration with Nadra and civil society had registered as many as 3.8 million women voters in recent months, compared to the initially identified 12 million women voters who were left out of the electoral rolls.

An election commission representative has informed that the ECP’s aggressive registration drive in collaboration with Nadra and civil society had registered as many as 3.8 million women voters in recent months, compared to the initially identified 12 million women voters who were left out of the electoral rolls.

UN Women Report on ending violence against women in political and electoral processes in Pakistan

February 5, 2018

UN Women Report on ending violence against women in political and electoral processes in Pakistan

Pakistani women face unique and frequently more severe challenges to their political participation than men do.

Pakistani women face unique and frequently more severe challenges to their political participation than men do.

World News

Roundtable to enhance political participation of women with disability in Pakistan

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Roundtable to enhance political participation of women with disability in Pakistan


Islamabad: To enhance political participation of women with disability (WWD), participants of a roundtable discussion stressed for concrete measures to ensure issuance of national identity cards to WDDs and voter’s registration besides making polling stations accessible for the disabled persons.

Islamabad: To enhance political participation of women with disability (WWD), participants of a roundtable discussion stressed for concrete measures to ensure issuance of national identity cards to WDDs and voter’s registration besides making polling stations accessible for the disabled persons.

World News

Pakistan Electoral Reform Plans Aim to Boost Women's Participation in Politics

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Pakistan Electoral Reform Plans Aim to Boost Women's Participation in Politics


LAHORE, PAKISTAN — Reforms to Pakistan's electoral laws making it mandatory for political parties to allot five percent of their tickets to women candidates were approved on February 7, 2017 by the federal cabinet, the country's highest decision-making body.

LAHORE, PAKISTAN — Reforms to Pakistan's electoral laws making it mandatory for political parties to allot five percent of their tickets to women candidates were approved on February 7, 2017 by the federal cabinet, the country's highest decision-making body.