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TIMOR LESTE: Timor Leste’s Women Struggle to Make Their Voices Heard

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TIMOR LESTE: Timor Leste’s Women Struggle to Make Their Voices Heard


Anyone looking for a model for the promotion of gender equality should look to Timor Leste.In this 10-year-old democracy, gender equality is not only written into the Constitution, but is also practiced in reality, even though most women still have much to learn about political ropes. No matter: NGOs and the UN are eager and willing to help.The country’s electoral law, passed in December 2006, requires that, out of every four candidates that a political party fields, at least one has to be a woman.

Anyone looking for a model for the promotion of gender equality should look to Timor Leste.In this 10-year-old democracy, gender equality is not only written into the Constitution, but is also practiced in reality, even though most women still have much to learn about political ropes. No matter: NGOs and the UN are eager and willing to help.The country’s electoral law, passed in December 2006, requires that, out of every four candidates that a political party fields, at least one has to be a woman.

World News

UNIFEM: Timor-Leste Passes Groundbreaking Domestic Violence Law

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UNIFEM: Timor-Leste Passes Groundbreaking Domestic Violence Law


Earlier this month, Timor-Leste approved its first domestic violence law, eight years after it was initially drafted. The legislature voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, with 30 votes in favor and three abstentions. Domestic violence is widespread in TImor-Leste, but is severely underreported. Most cases of domestic violence are resolved through traditional practices like the perpetrator paying a fine to the victim's father.

To read more please visit MS Magazine.

Earlier this month, Timor-Leste approved its first domestic violence law, eight years after it was initially drafted. The legislature voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, with 30 votes in favor and three abstentions. Domestic violence is widespread in TImor-Leste, but is severely underreported. Most cases of domestic violence are resolved through traditional practices like the perpetrator paying a fine to the victim's father.

To read more please visit MS Magazine.






Promoting Women's Political Representation in Southeast Asia - IKAT

Submitted by mgidarjati on

Promoting Women's Political Representation in Southeast Asia - IKAT

Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (Kemitraan) in partnership with the NDI for International Affairs along with regional partners; Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI), Persatuan Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) from Malaysia, Women's Caucus from Timor Leste, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), the Center for Popular Empowerment from the Philippines work together to strengthen the political rights of women and democracy by advocating the promotion of increased women's political representation through regional partnership initiatives.

Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (Kemitraan) in partnership with the NDI for International Affairs along with regional partners; Indonesian Women's Coalition (KPI), Persatuan Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) from Malaysia, Women's Caucus from Timor Leste, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), the Center for Popular Empowerment from the Philippines work together to strengthen the political rights of women and democracy by advocating the promotion of increased women's political representation through regional partnership initiatives.

Independent Women Candidates in Local Elections in Mali

September 16, 2008

Independent Women Candidates in Local Elections in Mali

This consolidated response highlights recommendations on how to empower independent women candidates to succeed in elections.

This consolidated response highlights recommendations on how to empower independent women candidates to succeed in elections.