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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

World News

Five reforms still needed to ensure women are fairly represented in politics

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Five reforms still needed to ensure women are fairly represented in politics


The Representation of the People Act 1918 was undoubtedly a significant step forward for women’s rights and democracy.

It gave the to vote to around 8.5million women previously disenfranchised and abolished almost all property restrictions on men.

One hundred years later and both men and women UK residents aged 18 and over are entitled to cast their vote on polling day.

The Representation of the People Act 1918 was undoubtedly a significant step forward for women’s rights and democracy.

It gave the to vote to around 8.5million women previously disenfranchised and abolished almost all property restrictions on men.

One hundred years later and both men and women UK residents aged 18 and over are entitled to cast their vote on polling day.

World News

Women in politics: Invitation to shadow Welsh Assembly member

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Women in politics: Invitation to shadow Welsh Assembly member


Young women are being given the chance to shadow an assembly member for the day in an effort to boost female participation in politics.

The February event includes a Senedd tour, a question and answer session and a debate about the role of women.

Helen Bradley from equalities charity Chwarae Teg said it wanted to show young women they could "play an important role in shaping the future".

Young women are being given the chance to shadow an assembly member for the day in an effort to boost female participation in politics.

The February event includes a Senedd tour, a question and answer session and a debate about the role of women.

Helen Bradley from equalities charity Chwarae Teg said it wanted to show young women they could "play an important role in shaping the future".

World News

MPs say plans to tackle Westminster sex assault claims ‘too vague’

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MPs say plans to tackle Westminster sex assault claims ‘too vague’


Campaigners warn it could be months before proposals are finalised, which could leave party whips with too much power.

Proposals to tackle sexual harassment and assault in Westminster have been criticised by campaigners and MPs for being “too vague” and leaving “too much power” with the party whips.

Campaigners warn it could be months before proposals are finalised, which could leave party whips with too much power.

Proposals to tackle sexual harassment and assault in Westminster have been criticised by campaigners and MPs for being “too vague” and leaving “too much power” with the party whips.

World News

Proposals to increase number of female MPs in Commons rejected

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Proposals to increase number of female MPs in Commons rejected


The government has rejected all six proposals to give parliament more equal female representation, prepared by the Commons’ women and equalities committee, including fines for parties that do not select enough women as candidates. 

The government has rejected all six proposals to give parliament more equal female representation, prepared by the Commons’ women and equalities committee, including fines for parties that do not select enough women as candidates. 

World News

Fresh call for gender equality in local politics in York

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Fresh call for gender equality in local politics in York


Politicians in York have added their voices to calls for better gender representation in local government, after newly-published research about the imbalance.

Politicians in York have added their voices to calls for better gender representation in local government, after newly-published research about the imbalance.

Power to the people? Tackling the gender imbalance in combined authorities and local government

August 22, 2017

Power to the people? Tackling the gender imbalance in combined authorities and local government

A new generation of young women is ready and willing to participate in politics.

A new generation of young women is ready and willing to participate in politics.

World News

Old boys’ club puts women off politics

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Old boys’ club puts women off politics


An old boys’ network in local political parties is deterring women from standing as councillors, a report has said.

An old boys’ network in local political parties is deterring women from standing as councillors, a report has said.