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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

UK: Sex & power 2022 Index

February 11, 2022

UK: Sex & power 2022 Index

Fawcett's Sex and Power 2022 Index is a biennial report which charts the progress towards equal representation for women in top jobs across the UK.

Fawcett's Sex and Power 2022 Index is a biennial report which charts the progress towards equal representation for women in top jobs across the UK.

Training: LeadHerShip

February 8, 2022

Training: LeadHerShip

Despite progress, women continue to be under-represented in positions of power and leadership in Government, Business, and public life. This picture is even worse for BAME women, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and women who experience additional inequality.

Despite progress, women continue to be under-represented in positions of power and leadership in Government, Business, and public life. This picture is even worse for BAME women, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and women who experience additional inequality.

World News

Only two UK Covid briefings were led by a female MP, report finds

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Only two UK Covid briefings were led by a female MP, report finds


Only two of the government briefings held at the height of the coronavirus pandemic were led by a female politician, and in both cases it was the home secretary, Priti Patel, a report into gender representation across the UK’s top jobs has shows.

The 2022 Sex and Power Index, compiled by the Fawcett Society, a charity campaigning for women’s rights, showed equality is still “decades off”, as men continue to dominate the top ranks of law, politics and business.

Only two of the government briefings held at the height of the coronavirus pandemic were led by a female politician, and in both cases it was the home secretary, Priti Patel, a report into gender representation across the UK’s top jobs has shows.

The 2022 Sex and Power Index, compiled by the Fawcett Society, a charity campaigning for women’s rights, showed equality is still “decades off”, as men continue to dominate the top ranks of law, politics and business.

World News

Brighton & Hove: politician criticises trolls abusing women in politics

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Brighton & Hove: politician criticises trolls abusing women in politics


A politician has called for an end to the insults that women receive on social media when they enter the political spotlight.

Kahina Bouhassane received a deluge of abuse on social media when she stood as the Green Party’s candidate for Sussex police and crime commissioner. The 23-year-old deputy chair of Brighton and Hove Green Party decided to speak out about the comments as she wants to more women to take part in political life.

A politician has called for an end to the insults that women receive on social media when they enter the political spotlight.

Kahina Bouhassane received a deluge of abuse on social media when she stood as the Green Party’s candidate for Sussex police and crime commissioner. The 23-year-old deputy chair of Brighton and Hove Green Party decided to speak out about the comments as she wants to more women to take part in political life.

World News

In Scotland, all-male council urges women to stand for election

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In Scotland, all-male council urges women to stand for election


A Scottish council which has no female councillors hopes to encourage more women to stand in next May's local government elections. In the last elections in 2017, for the first time in its history, no women were elected to the Western Isles' Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

A Scottish council which has no female councillors hopes to encourage more women to stand in next May's local government elections. In the last elections in 2017, for the first time in its history, no women were elected to the Western Isles' Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Here’s why my baby was banned from parliament and why we must all fight this

December 3, 2021

Here’s why my baby was banned from parliament and why we must all fight this

By Stella Creasy

Any parent of a newborn knows it’s hard to stay awake, let alone focus on anything else. Maternity leave matters – it’s good for our health, our children and our economy.

By Stella Creasy

Any parent of a newborn knows it’s hard to stay awake, let alone focus on anything else. Maternity leave matters – it’s good for our health, our children and our economy.

Increasing the cost of female representation? The gendered effects of harassment, abuse and intimidation towards Parliamentary candidates in the UK

November 12, 2021

Increasing the cost of female representation? The gendered effects of harassment, abuse and intimidation towards Parliamentary candidates in the UK

Recently, the issue of harassment and intimidation of women in politics in long-established democracies has become a source of concern.

Recently, the issue of harassment and intimidation of women in politics in long-established democracies has become a source of concern.

World News

Scottish election 2021: Record number of women elected

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Scottish election 2021: Record number of women elected


A record number of women have been elected to the Scottish Parliament, with 58 female MSPs winning seats in the Holyrood election.

Women now represent 45% of Scotland's 129 MSPs.

A record number of women have been elected to the Scottish Parliament, with 58 female MSPs winning seats in the Holyrood election.

Women now represent 45% of Scotland's 129 MSPs.