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World News

Women continuing to make headway in Georgia politics

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Women continuing to make headway in Georgia politics


Is this the year of the woman in Georgia politics?

Based on the results of the May 22 primary election, including the local races, it may be.

Politics has been a male-dominated industry in the state for centuries, with no female governors or even Georgia House or Senate majority leaders, but that could change this year.

Is this the year of the woman in Georgia politics?

Based on the results of the May 22 primary election, including the local races, it may be.

Politics has been a male-dominated industry in the state for centuries, with no female governors or even Georgia House or Senate majority leaders, but that could change this year.



World News

Single mothers are having their moment in American politics

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Single mothers are having their moment in American politics


A growing number of single women are running for public office. In order to beat their opponents, they may need to shatter some unfair stigmas first. Lily Espinoza Ploski is a Latina single mom to a 14-year-old son. She's also frustrated with a society that she says has told her time and again that her only value comes as a wife and mother; to many, it's this single status that's the real reason behind rising poverty rates and a general perception of "family decay" in America.

A growing number of single women are running for public office. In order to beat their opponents, they may need to shatter some unfair stigmas first. Lily Espinoza Ploski is a Latina single mom to a 14-year-old son. She's also frustrated with a society that she says has told her time and again that her only value comes as a wife and mother; to many, it's this single status that's the real reason behind rising poverty rates and a general perception of "family decay" in America.

World News

Stacey Abrams wins Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor

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Stacey Abrams wins Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor


Georgia Democrats selected the first black woman to be a major party nominee for governor in the United States on Tuesday, choosing Stacey Abrams, a liberal former State House leader, who will test just how much the state’s traditionally conservative politics are shifting.

Georgia Democrats selected the first black woman to be a major party nominee for governor in the United States on Tuesday, choosing Stacey Abrams, a liberal former State House leader, who will test just how much the state’s traditionally conservative politics are shifting.

World News

USA: Women will probably lose more than they will win in 2018, but their candidacies are still a big deal

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USA: Women will probably lose more than they will win in 2018, but their candidacies are still a big deal


A record number of women are running at all levels of government this year, and for the second consecutive week of primaries, a notable number of them are winning.

A record number of women are running at all levels of government this year, and for the second consecutive week of primaries, a notable number of them are winning.

World News

Pennsylvania Primaries deliver strong wins for Democratic women

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Pennsylvania Primaries deliver strong wins for Democratic women


A state representative, an Air Force veteran and two high-powered lawyers — all women — won Democratic House primaries on Tuesday in Pennsylvania, where a record number of women ran for House seats in a year of intense political enthusiasm among female Democrats.

A state representative, an Air Force veteran and two high-powered lawyers — all women — won Democratic House primaries on Tuesday in Pennsylvania, where a record number of women ran for House seats in a year of intense political enthusiasm among female Democrats.


Jeffrey Lazarus and Amy Steigerwalt

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May 4, 2018

Jeffrey Lazarus and Amy Steigerwalt

Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”
Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”
Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”

World News

New Mexico College Democrats held a panel on women involved in politics

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New Mexico College Democrats held a panel on women involved in politics


The University of New Mexico College Democrats held a panel, featuring women involved in politics in New Mexico, at the Student Union Building earlier this month.

The University of New Mexico College Democrats held a panel, featuring women involved in politics in New Mexico, at the Student Union Building earlier this month.