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United States of America

World News

The emerging strategy for capitalizing on women's unprecedented interest in politics in the United States

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The emerging strategy for capitalizing on women's unprecedented interest in politics in the United States


Jean Sinzdak could see right away that this year would be different for women in politics. For the first time in her 12 years of running a seminar for women interested in public office, she had to start a waitlist.

Jean Sinzdak could see right away that this year would be different for women in politics. For the first time in her 12 years of running a seminar for women interested in public office, she had to start a waitlist.

World News

More women exploring political careers after Trump's election

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More women exploring political careers after Trump's election


For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.

For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.

New, viable female politicians become role models for young women, study finds

March 30, 2017

New, viable female politicians become role models for young women, study finds

After Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in June 2016—the first woman in American history nominated for president by a major pol

After Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in June 2016—the first woman in American history nominated for president by a major pol

World News

Trump's Election Drives More Women To Consider Running For Office

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Trump's Election Drives More Women To Consider Running For Office


Will the election of Donald Trump, who once boasted of grabbing women by the genitalia and has a history of sexist remarks, create a wave of female candidates at all levels of government in the coming years?

Will the election of Donald Trump, who once boasted of grabbing women by the genitalia and has a history of sexist remarks, create a wave of female candidates at all levels of government in the coming years?