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Academic Paper / Article

A Study of Youth Political Participation in Poland and Romania

April 30, 2014

A Study of Youth Political Participation in Poland and Romania

Although perceived changes in political participation patterns amongst young people in recent years have attracted much academic research in established democracies this remains an understudied area in
Although perceived changes in political participation patterns amongst young people in recent years have attracted much academic research in established democracies this remains an understudied area in

Political Representation and Empowerment: Women in Local Government Institutions in Bihar, India

April 9, 2014

Political Representation and Empowerment: Women in Local Government Institutions in Bihar, India

The aim of the present study is to find out whether a quantitative rise in the representation of women in political decision-making can transform into qualitative changes in the participation of women, so that it can pave the way for political empowerment of women.

The aim of the present study is to find out whether a quantitative rise in the representation of women in political decision-making can transform into qualitative changes in the participation of women, so that it can pave the way for political empowerment of women.

Presentation on Violence against Women in Politics

March 13, 2014

Presentation on Violence against Women in Politics

This presentation was shown at the side event on "Women in Parliament: Better Parliaments, Stronger Democracies" at the 58th UN Commission on the Status of Women by iKNOW Politics expert, Mona Lena Krook, Associate professor of the Department of Political Science of Rutgers University.

This presentation was shown at the side event on "Women in Parliament: Better Parliaments, Stronger Democracies" at the 58th UN Commission on the Status of Women by iKNOW Politics expert, Mona Lena Krook, Associate professor of the Department of Political Science of Rutgers University.

Poised to Run: Women’s Pathways to the State Legislatures

February 12, 2014

Poised to Run: Women’s Pathways to the State Legislatures

Women legislators are more likely to say that they decided to seek elective office after receiving the suggestion to run, whereas men are more likely to say that the decision to run was entirely their idea.

Women legislators are more likely to say that they decided to seek elective office after receiving the suggestion to run, whereas men are more likely to say that the decision to run was entirely their idea.

Women as Agents of Change: Having Voice in Society & Influencing Policy,

January 6, 2014

Women as Agents of Change: Having Voice in Society & Influencing Policy,

A new background paper from the World Bank written by Susan Markham, NDI’s director of women’s political participation, examines the status of women in politics and makes the case for the full and equitable participation of women in public life.

A new background paper from the World Bank written by Susan Markham, NDI’s director of women’s political participation, examines the status of women in politics and makes the case for the full and equitable participation of women in public life.

Gender Sensitive Parliaments

December 12, 2013

Gender Sensitive Parliaments

Presentation made by Professor Drude Dahlerup of the University of Stockholm at the Conference on Effective and Sustainable Participation of women in elected assemblies, held in Algiers, December 10-11.

Presentation made by Professor Drude Dahlerup of the University of Stockholm at the Conference on Effective and Sustainable Participation of women in elected assemblies, held in Algiers, December 10-11.

Financing for Gender Equality: Reframing and Prioritizing Public Expenditures to Promote Gender Equality

October 25, 2013

Financing for Gender Equality: Reframing and Prioritizing Public Expenditures to Promote Gender Equality

Well-targeted public investments that reduce inequality can be self-sustaining insofar as they raise the productive capacity of the economy and thereby stimulate growth. With growth come higher incomes, generating the tax base to fund future public investment expenditures.

Well-targeted public investments that reduce inequality can be self-sustaining insofar as they raise the productive capacity of the economy and thereby stimulate growth. With growth come higher incomes, generating the tax base to fund future public investment expenditures.

The Paradox of Gender Responsive Budgeting (India)

October 25, 2013

The Paradox of Gender Responsive Budgeting (India)

Despite the steps towards gender responsive budgeting, the budgetary allocations for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment show a decline.

Despite the steps towards gender responsive budgeting, the budgetary allocations for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment show a decline.

Culture versus rights dualism: a myth or a reality?

October 24, 2013

Culture versus rights dualism: a myth or a reality?

Women’s human rights discourse and movements have become entangled within a culture-versus-rights dualism. Yakin Ertürk argues that this is a false dualism which serves both private patriarchy and public patriarchy of neo-liberal globalisation

Women’s human rights discourse and movements have become entangled within a culture-versus-rights dualism. Yakin Ertürk argues that this is a false dualism which serves both private patriarchy and public patriarchy of neo-liberal globalisation