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Case Study

Opening the Door: Women Leaders and Constitution Building in Iraq and Afghanistan

March 21, 2007

Opening the Door: Women Leaders and Constitution Building in Iraq and Afghanistan

Recent decades have witnesses growing demands for the inclusion and empowerment of women leaders as elected representatives. Women representatives have made important strides in some nations, but progress worldwide has proved sluggish.

Recent decades have witnesses growing demands for the inclusion and empowerment of women leaders as elected representatives. Women representatives have made important strides in some nations, but progress worldwide has proved sluggish.

Promoting Partnership between Men and Women in Parliament: The Experience of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

March 19, 2007

Promoting Partnership between Men and Women in Parliament: The Experience of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

This case study, an excerpt from Women in Parliament, Beyond Numbers, provides an overview of the experiences of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in the field of women's parliamentary activities.

This case study, an excerpt from Women in Parliament, Beyond Numbers, provides an overview of the experiences of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in the field of women's parliamentary activities.

The Implementation of Quotas: African Experiences

February 15, 2007

The Implementation of Quotas: African Experiences

This case study examines the experiences with quota implementation on the African continent.

This case study examines the experiences with quota implementation on the African continent.

The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences

February 15, 2007

The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences

This case study documents the results of a workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners to collect country- and region-specific information on quota implementation and enforcement in Latin America.

This case study documents the results of a workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners to collect country- and region-specific information on quota implementation and enforcement in Latin America.

Women And Chambers of Commerce: Cases from the Gulf

February 14, 2007

Women And Chambers of Commerce: Cases from the Gulf

This case study examines how women in the Arab Gulf region have entered the mainly male-dominated business sector. It draws on the experience of countries in the Gulf region that have tried to integrate women into chambers of commerce and industry.

This case study examines how women in the Arab Gulf region have entered the mainly male-dominated business sector. It draws on the experience of countries in the Gulf region that have tried to integrate women into chambers of commerce and industry.

Final Evaluation of UNDP Semipalatinsk Programme Outcomes

February 13, 2007

Final Evaluation of UNDP Semipalatinsk Programme Outcomes

This report evaluates the outcomes of the UNDP Semipalatinsk Programme, which aimed at alleviating poverty and raising living standards among women, small-scale entrepreneurs and rural people in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan.

This report evaluates the outcomes of the UNDP Semipalatinsk Programme, which aimed at alleviating poverty and raising living standards among women, small-scale entrepreneurs and rural people in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan.

Enhancing the Role of Women: UNDP Yemen Electoral Support Programme

February 13, 2007

Enhancing the Role of Women: UNDP Yemen Electoral Support Programme

This presentation focuses on the efforts of the UNDP Yemen Electoral Support Programme to enhance women's political participation in Yemen. It outlines the programme's strategic areas of support, with a particular focus on voter education.

This presentation focuses on the efforts of the UNDP Yemen Electoral Support Programme to enhance women's political participation in Yemen. It outlines the programme's strategic areas of support, with a particular focus on voter education.