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Can women achieve equal political representation in Ghana?

September 14, 2018

Can women achieve equal political representation in Ghana?

Despite Ghana’s strong democratic progress over the past two decades, it has fallen short of achieving equal representation for women in politics.

Despite Ghana’s strong democratic progress over the past two decades, it has fallen short of achieving equal representation for women in politics.

Lady of the Rings: Jacinda Rules

September 12, 2018

Lady of the Rings: Jacinda Rules

Jacinda Ardern, one of the young, progressive leaders countering Donald Trump, talks about being only the second world leader to give birth.

Jacinda Ardern, one of the young, progressive leaders countering Donald Trump, talks about being only the second world leader to give birth.

Will toxic politics stem the surge in women candidates?

August 31, 2018

Will toxic politics stem the surge in women candidates?

When Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, it sparked a surge of female candidates. According to Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics, nearly 500 women initially filed to run for the U.S.

When Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, it sparked a surge of female candidates. According to Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics, nearly 500 women initially filed to run for the U.S.

Politics is a ‘rough and tough game’, but women are more than cut out for it

August 31, 2018

Politics is a ‘rough and tough game’, but women are more than cut out for it

Early this week, Victorian MP Julia Banks announced that she would not contest her seat at the next election and would be leaving Parliament citing last week’s dramatic leadership spill as “the final straw”.

Early this week, Victorian MP Julia Banks announced that she would not contest her seat at the next election and would be leaving Parliament citing last week’s dramatic leadership spill as “the final straw”.

How to celebrate a complicated win for women

August 31, 2018

How to celebrate a complicated win for women

There’s a historical haze confounding plans to observe the coming 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

There’s a historical haze confounding plans to observe the coming 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.