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Michigan’s all-female ticket may mark the start of something different

August 14, 2018

Michigan’s all-female ticket may mark the start of something different

This year, Democrats in Michigan have done something unprecedented. They have selected women to be their standard-bearers for every statewide office on the November ballot: governor, U.S. senator, attorney general and secretary of state.

This year, Democrats in Michigan have done something unprecedented. They have selected women to be their standard-bearers for every statewide office on the November ballot: governor, U.S. senator, attorney general and secretary of state.

Armenia needs more women in politics, but what will it take?

July 27, 2018

Armenia needs more women in politics, but what will it take?

“A woman’s place is in the revolution” read signs carried by countless young protesters who helped oust Armenia’s autocratic President Serge Sarkisian.

“A woman’s place is in the revolution” read signs carried by countless young protesters who helped oust Armenia’s autocratic President Serge Sarkisian.

Dearth of female Nigerian leaders

June 27, 2018

Dearth of female Nigerian leaders

It is nothing short of scandalous for there not to be a single female governor of any state in this country, let alone a major party leader or a serious Presidential contender of any political hue.

It is nothing short of scandalous for there not to be a single female governor of any state in this country, let alone a major party leader or a serious Presidential contender of any political hue.