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Why we must work with parliaments to tackle online hate speech and gender-based violence

July 4, 2022

Why we must work with parliaments to tackle online hate speech and gender-based violence

Recent evidence of violence against women in politics shows that online hate speech and harassment represent both serious and increasing obstacles to the ability of female political leaders to fulfil their mandates.

Recent evidence of violence against women in politics shows that online hate speech and harassment represent both serious and increasing obstacles to the ability of female political leaders to fulfil their mandates.

How to level the playing field for women in Venezuelan politics

July 1, 2022

How to level the playing field for women in Venezuelan politics

Despite some small advances and changes in legislation, both chavismo and the opposition make things more difficult for female politicians. But Venezuela could take some steps towards equality.

Despite some small advances and changes in legislation, both chavismo and the opposition make things more difficult for female politicians. But Venezuela could take some steps towards equality.

If we take abuse of women for granted in politics, our democracy will pay

June 30, 2022

If we take abuse of women for granted in politics, our democracy will pay

Online abuse and harassment of women in public life has become a curse on our political landscape.

Online abuse and harassment of women in public life has become a curse on our political landscape.

Kenya: Women seek elective positions to attain parity in leadership

June 23, 2022

Kenya: Women seek elective positions to attain parity in leadership

Women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life are essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for any county or country.

Women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life are essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for any county or country.

Australia: Quotas – the last straw or just the start?

June 23, 2022

Australia: Quotas – the last straw or just the start?

In Australia, we have just elected an historic gender and ethnically diverse Federal parliament with women’s representation in the lower house at 38% and over 50% in the Senate.

In Australia, we have just elected an historic gender and ethnically diverse Federal parliament with women’s representation in the lower house at 38% and over 50% in the Senate.

US: Women secretaries of state face threats and harassment for battling election lies

June 22, 2022

US: Women secretaries of state face threats and harassment for battling election lies

As discussion of falsehoods about the 2020 election and their deadly consequences are televised from Capitol Hill, states’ top election officials are grappling with inaccurate information — which can make them targets.

As discussion of falsehoods about the 2020 election and their deadly consequences are televised from Capitol Hill, states’ top election officials are grappling with inaccurate information — which can make them targets.

Lebanon elects record number of women to parliament

June 22, 2022

Lebanon elects record number of women to parliament

Lebanon has one of the highest overall gender gaps in the world, ranking 145 out of 153 countries.

Lebanon has one of the highest overall gender gaps in the world, ranking 145 out of 153 countries.

Maryland has a glass ceiling. Democrats won’t break it this year.

June 21, 2022

Maryland has a glass ceiling. Democrats won’t break it this year.

No women are at the top of the ticket in the crowded Democratic primary race for governor, but seven have been picked as running mates.

No women are at the top of the ticket in the crowded Democratic primary race for governor, but seven have been picked as running mates.

How to get a better class of MP? Help mothers stand for parliament

June 20, 2022

How to get a better class of MP? Help mothers stand for parliament

The first recipients of the grants from Labour MP Stella Creasy’s MotheRED scheme to encourage women into the Commons tell why it could help stop the rot in politics.

The first recipients of the grants from Labour MP Stella Creasy’s MotheRED scheme to encourage women into the Commons tell why it could help stop the rot in politics.