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Women in politics: Striving for genuine change in a rigged system, By Fidelis Nwagwu

June 14, 2022

Women in politics: Striving for genuine change in a rigged system, By Fidelis Nwagwu

The message seems quite clear that politics in Nigeria is a game for rich, old men, to the detriment of the real change-making demographics - women and youths.

The message seems quite clear that politics in Nigeria is a game for rich, old men, to the detriment of the real change-making demographics - women and youths.

Canada: Why are there still so few women leaders in politics?

June 13, 2022

Canada: Why are there still so few women leaders in politics?

Women are more likely to hold interim leadership roles in federal politics, but clinching the top role remains elusive.

Women are more likely to hold interim leadership roles in federal politics, but clinching the top role remains elusive.

We cannot keep leaving women with disabilities behind in leadership

June 10, 2022

We cannot keep leaving women with disabilities behind in leadership

I know first-hand the difference that having women at the table can make.

I know first-hand the difference that having women at the table can make.

How autocrats use women’s rights to boost themselves

June 8, 2022

How autocrats use women’s rights to boost themselves

Automatically bundling equality and democracy has led to the rise of “genderwashing”.

Automatically bundling equality and democracy has led to the rise of “genderwashing”.

How local female politicians are keeping Tunisian democracy alive

June 7, 2022

How local female politicians are keeping Tunisian democracy alive

President Kaïs Saïed is in the process of wiping out hard-won democratic rights in Tunisia.

President Kaïs Saïed is in the process of wiping out hard-won democratic rights in Tunisia.

Are large donor networks still needed to win in a fairer election system?

June 3, 2022

Are large donor networks still needed to win in a fairer election system?

Chan is a research associate at RepresentWomen with a focus on ranked-choice voting.

Chan is a research associate at RepresentWomen with a focus on ranked-choice voting.

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

June 3, 2022

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

June 2, 2022

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

How women have come to hold the top post in 13 out of 45 countries in Europe

June 1, 2022

How women have come to hold the top post in 13 out of 45 countries in Europe

European countries began electing women in top posts from the late 1970s, though the first woman to head a government in the world was Sri Lanka's PM Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

European countries began electing women in top posts from the late 1970s, though the first woman to head a government in the world was Sri Lanka's PM Sirimavo Bandaranaike.