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Kate Forbes 'mansplaining' case shows legacy women in politics must overcome

October 8, 2020

Kate Forbes 'mansplaining' case shows legacy women in politics must overcome

A FEW months back, a male Twitter user jokingly posited an idea for a new reality show, where people who know nothing about a given subject or skill would explain it to you. Perhaps to his surprise, the punchline came in the form of the replies. “That already exists.

A FEW months back, a male Twitter user jokingly posited an idea for a new reality show, where people who know nothing about a given subject or skill would explain it to you. Perhaps to his surprise, the punchline came in the form of the replies. “That already exists.

Kamala Harris’s Ambition Trap

October 7, 2020

Kamala Harris’s Ambition Trap

In her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Kamala Harris talks about how, during her first run for office—for San Francisco district attorney, in 2002—she taught herself to campaign.

In her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Kamala Harris talks about how, during her first run for office—for San Francisco district attorney, in 2002—she taught herself to campaign.

How women vote: Separating myth from reality

October 6, 2020

How women vote: Separating myth from reality

A century has elapsed since the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote at the federal level. But no single analysis of those 100 years can explain “the women’s vote,” as it’s impossible to summarize half of the country’s population with one political narrative.

A century has elapsed since the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote at the federal level. But no single analysis of those 100 years can explain “the women’s vote,” as it’s impossible to summarize half of the country’s population with one political narrative.

COVID-19 presents crucial moment for gender diversity in Japan

October 1, 2020

COVID-19 presents crucial moment for gender diversity in Japan

In a world of uncertainty triggered by the global coronavirus pandemic, it is important now more than ever to not only maintain but to expand gender diversity in the business and political worlds, especially in Japan.

In a world of uncertainty triggered by the global coronavirus pandemic, it is important now more than ever to not only maintain but to expand gender diversity in the business and political worlds, especially in Japan.

How Diane Abbott fought racism – and her own party – to become Britain’s first black female MP

October 1, 2020

How Diane Abbott fought racism – and her own party – to become Britain’s first black female MP

The 1987 election campaign was the first time the Labour party had fielded so many black and Asian candidates. Yet Diane Abbott got the impression that “the national party thought we were an embarrassment”.

The 1987 election campaign was the first time the Labour party had fielded so many black and Asian candidates. Yet Diane Abbott got the impression that “the national party thought we were an embarrassment”.

Why we must fight to secure places for more women and young people in politics

September 30, 2020

Why we must fight to secure places for more women and young people in politics

Shinzo Abe wanted Japanese women to ‘shine’ in politics. What happened?

September 29, 2020

Shinzo Abe wanted Japanese women to ‘shine’ in politics. What happened?

Like every political leader since Ito Hirobumi became Japan’s very first prime minister in 1885, the next leader of this nation will be a man.

Like every political leader since Ito Hirobumi became Japan’s very first prime minister in 1885, the next leader of this nation will be a man.

Failing to add women could cause Kenya to shutter Parliament

September 28, 2020

Failing to add women could cause Kenya to shutter Parliament

Kenya faces a historic decision to close parliament for failing to enact rules on fair gender representation in public bodies.

Kenya faces a historic decision to close parliament for failing to enact rules on fair gender representation in public bodies.