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Attitudes towards women’s political participation in Solomon Islands

September 28, 2020

Attitudes towards women’s political participation in Solomon Islands

A total of 26 women stood as candidates at the 2019 Solomon Islands national general election and, for the first time since independence, two women won seats in the national parliament.

A total of 26 women stood as candidates at the 2019 Solomon Islands national general election and, for the first time since independence, two women won seats in the national parliament.

Weighing in on the efficacy of female leadership

September 25, 2020

Weighing in on the efficacy of female leadership

It is necessary to get rid of inherent biases and perceptions about the effectiveness of women in roles of authorityWhat do Germany, Taiwan and New Zealand have in common? These are all countries that have women heading their governments.

It is necessary to get rid of inherent biases and perceptions about the effectiveness of women in roles of authorityWhat do Germany, Taiwan and New Zealand have in common? These are all countries that have women heading their governments.

Men promised a woman for Ginsburg’s seat. Is that what women want?

September 23, 2020

Men promised a woman for Ginsburg’s seat. Is that what women want?

By Sydney Ember and Rebecca R. Ruiz,

In 1993, when Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated to the Supreme Court, then-Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. thanked her for saving his daughter “from having to be the second woman nominee to the Supreme Court.”

By Sydney Ember and Rebecca R. Ruiz,

In 1993, when Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated to the Supreme Court, then-Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. thanked her for saving his daughter “from having to be the second woman nominee to the Supreme Court.”

Ghanaian girls should have presidential role models too

September 22, 2020

Ghanaian girls should have presidential role models too

What does a female President or Vice President mean to the girl child in Ghana? 
It means a lot. 

What does a female President or Vice President mean to the girl child in Ghana? 
It means a lot. 

‘If not now, when?’: Black women seize political spotlight

September 17, 2020

‘If not now, when?’: Black women seize political spotlight

 The little girl ran up to her, wide-eyed and giddy.

“Are you Charisse Davis?” the fourth grader asked.

 The little girl ran up to her, wide-eyed and giddy.

“Are you Charisse Davis?” the fourth grader asked.

Pandemics, politics and the impact of women in leadership roles

September 16, 2020

Pandemics, politics and the impact of women in leadership roles

Despite enormous strides in business, government and other areas, women don’t always get the respect men do for their leadership abilities, even when they can boast greater accomplishments.

Despite enormous strides in business, government and other areas, women don’t always get the respect men do for their leadership abilities, even when they can boast greater accomplishments.

For women in politics, Pakistan still lags behind

September 15, 2020

For women in politics, Pakistan still lags behind

Given the role female leaders like Fatima Jinnah played in its independence and being the first Muslim country to be led by a woman in Benazir Bhutto, one may think Pakistan has been doing quite well when it comes to women’s participation in politics.

Given the role female leaders like Fatima Jinnah played in its independence and being the first Muslim country to be led by a woman in Benazir Bhutto, one may think Pakistan has been doing quite well when it comes to women’s participation in politics.

Patriarchy rules politics too, but these women want to change that

September 15, 2020

Patriarchy rules politics too, but these women want to change that

Urmila Singh has been helping women in Bihar nurture their political ambitions for over two decades now.

Urmila Singh has been helping women in Bihar nurture their political ambitions for over two decades now.