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Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

Barriers to women’s political participation In South Asia: Money, muscle & misogyny

August 17, 2020

Barriers to women’s political participation In South Asia: Money, muscle & misogyny

“What according to you is the biggest barrier to women’s political participation ?” To this question, 68 percent participants voted patr

“What according to you is the biggest barrier to women’s political participation ?” To this question, 68 percent participants voted patr

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

August 13, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

By Pavit Kaur

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by themselves.

By Pavit Kaur

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by themselves.

Watch more TV to understand the backlash against the women in the running for vice president

August 11, 2020

Watch more TV to understand the backlash against the women in the running for vice president