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Women politicians more likely to reply to people who reach out in need, study shows

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

November 6, 2020

Women politicians more likely to reply to people who reach out in need, study shows

Source: The Conversation

The big idea

Women politicians are more responsive than men when people come to them seeking health care and economic support, our newly published study on gender and government responsiveness reveals. Our research, conducted in 2017, was published in the Journal of Experimental Political Science in August.

For our experiment, we posed as citizens of different genders and emailed a request for help to a total of 3,685 national legislators in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. In Europe, we asked for assistance signing up for unemployment benefits. In Latin America, we requested help getting medical care without health insurance.

The response rate ranged widely, from 6% in Mexico – where government accountability to citizens is a documented problem – to 89% in Ireland, where the small district size likely increases legislators’ accountability.

Click here to read the full article published by The Conversation on 19 October 2020.

Focus areas

The big idea

Women politicians are more responsive than men when people come to them seeking health care and economic support, our newly published study on gender and government responsiveness reveals. Our research, conducted in 2017, was published in the Journal of Experimental Political Science in August.

For our experiment, we posed as citizens of different genders and emailed a request for help to a total of 3,685 national legislators in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. In Europe, we asked for assistance signing up for unemployment benefits. In Latin America, we requested help getting medical care without health insurance.

The response rate ranged widely, from 6% in Mexico – where government accountability to citizens is a documented problem – to 89% in Ireland, where the small district size likely increases legislators’ accountability.

Click here to read the full article published by The Conversation on 19 October 2020.

Focus areas