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Guide / Training Material

EWL Lobbying Kit: No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality

October 7, 2008

EWL Lobbying Kit: No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality

The Kit has been produced in the context of the EWL Campaign “No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality” to be launched officially in September 2009. The Kit comprises of two sections.

The Kit has been produced in the context of the EWL Campaign “No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality” to be launched officially in September 2009. The Kit comprises of two sections.

Evaluating Parliaments: A Self-Assessment Toolkit for Parliaments

September 24, 2008

Evaluating Parliaments: A Self-Assessment Toolkit for Parliaments

This resource invites parliaments to evaluate their democratic performance against a set of criteria based on the core values set out in IPU’s ground breaking.

This resource invites parliaments to evaluate their democratic performance against a set of criteria based on the core values set out in IPU’s ground breaking.

Parliament, the Budget and Gender: Handbook for Parliamentarians

September 2, 2008

Parliament, the Budget and Gender: Handbook for Parliamentarians

This handbook sets out practical examples of parliament's active engagement in the budgetary process.

This handbook sets out practical examples of parliament's active engagement in the budgetary process.

Training Workshop on Leadership, Media & Conflict Management for Women in Afghanistan

June 30, 2008

Training Workshop on Leadership, Media & Conflict Management for Women in Afghanistan

This is a synopsis of a training workshop on leadership, media and conflict management for women in Afghanistan conducted by UNFPA. It includes a short description of each discussion topics and a detailed agenda of the workshop.

This is a synopsis of a training workshop on leadership, media and conflict management for women in Afghanistan conducted by UNFPA. It includes a short description of each discussion topics and a detailed agenda of the workshop.

Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Inclusive and Accountable Local Democratic Institutions

June 27, 2008

Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Inclusive and Accountable Local Democratic Institutions

This guide is the first of its kind to provide an overview of the current range of local representative arrangements and electoral systems in Asia and the Pacific.

This guide is the first of its kind to provide an overview of the current range of local representative arrangements and electoral systems in Asia and the Pacific.

Resource Guide for Gender Theme Groups

May 21, 2008

Resource Guide for Gender Theme Groups

This guide focuses on how to collaborate around women's empowerment and gender equality issues at the country level and to mainstream gender equality concerns into gender related international programs and plans of action.

This guide focuses on how to collaborate around women's empowerment and gender equality issues at the country level and to mainstream gender equality concerns into gender related international programs and plans of action.

Tips for Culturally Sensitive Programming

May 14, 2008

Tips for Culturally Sensitive Programming

This booklet presents 24 tips, one per page, for culturally sensitive programming, based on research carried out by UNFPA.

This booklet presents 24 tips, one per page, for culturally sensitive programming, based on research carried out by UNFPA.

DAC Source Book on Concepts and Approaches Linked to Gender Equality

March 4, 2008

DAC Source Book on Concepts and Approaches Linked to Gender Equality

The DAC Working Party on Gender Equality has drawn together a set of practical guidelines for advancing the goals identified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee and by the Beijing Platform for Action (1995) with respect to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The DAC Working Party on Gender Equality has drawn together a set of practical guidelines for advancing the goals identified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee and by the Beijing Platform for Action (1995) with respect to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

DAC Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development Co-operation

March 4, 2008

DAC Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development Co-operation

These guidelines draw on the lessons of experience and incorporate illustrations of improved efficiency, effectiveness and coherence in development co-operation.

These guidelines draw on the lessons of experience and incorporate illustrations of improved efficiency, effectiveness and coherence in development co-operation.