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gender equality

World News

Campaigners welcome 'milestone' agreement at UN gender equality talks

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Campaigners welcome 'milestone' agreement at UN gender equality talks


UN Member states have agreed that gender equality and women's rights must be prioritised in future discussions on what should be included in the next set of sustainable development goals.

UN Member states have agreed that gender equality and women's rights must be prioritised in future discussions on what should be included in the next set of sustainable development goals.

World News

Women in parliament key for gender equality

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Women in parliament key for gender equality


The meaningful role women should play in parliament is to have an impact in changing the nature of politics and to create more honest government.

In a bid to achieve gender equality and promote womens rights in Indonesia, the country needs to put more women in parliament, which is responsible for legislating laws that are critical to changing the situation of women.

We invite you to read the full article published March 24, 2014

The meaningful role women should play in parliament is to have an impact in changing the nature of politics and to create more honest government.

In a bid to achieve gender equality and promote womens rights in Indonesia, the country needs to put more women in parliament, which is responsible for legislating laws that are critical to changing the situation of women.

We invite you to read the full article published March 24, 2014

World News

ICTs and Women's and Girls' Empowerment

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ICTs and Women's and Girls' Empowerment


Recent advances made in technology have tremendously changed the way information is being shared in today's societies. However, adapting these advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for the benefit of women's and girls empowerment still remain a challenge for many states and actors. On Friday 14 March 2014, UN Women organized a round-table discussion on the role of  ICT for women’s economic empowerment and poverty reduction moderated by Liz Ford, Deputy Editor at the Guardian.

Recent advances made in technology have tremendously changed the way information is being shared in today's societies. However, adapting these advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for the benefit of women's and girls empowerment still remain a challenge for many states and actors. On Friday 14 March 2014, UN Women organized a round-table discussion on the role of  ICT for women’s economic empowerment and poverty reduction moderated by Liz Ford, Deputy Editor at the Guardian.

World News

AP Interview: Egyptian fights for women's equality

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AP Interview: Egyptian fights for women's equality


A year ago, Egyptian politician and women's rights activist Mervat Tallawy defied the Muslim Brotherhood to spearhead the adoption of a U.N. blueprint to combat violence against women. Now she's back campaigning against conservatives to ensure that equality for women remains at the top of the U.N. agenda.

A year ago, Egyptian politician and women's rights activist Mervat Tallawy defied the Muslim Brotherhood to spearhead the adoption of a U.N. blueprint to combat violence against women. Now she's back campaigning against conservatives to ensure that equality for women remains at the top of the U.N. agenda.

World News

When women succeed, the world succeeds

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When women succeed, the world succeeds


Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights.”

So proclaimed Hillary Clinton, US First Lady at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, in a landmark speech of her career.

Despite Clinton’s words echoing around the world for close on 20 years, one must ask: What has changed?

Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights.”

So proclaimed Hillary Clinton, US First Lady at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, in a landmark speech of her career.

Despite Clinton’s words echoing around the world for close on 20 years, one must ask: What has changed?

World News

Pacific countries still low for gender equality in politics

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Pacific countries still low for gender equality in politics


More work needs to be done post-elections in the Pacific to ensure Pacific countries do not remain at the bottom globally for gender equality in politics.


The Fiji Women's Forum says more work needs to be done in the Pacific to boost the participation of women in politics and ensure long-term gender parity.

The United Nations has released its Women in Politics Map 2014, which says Micronesia, Palau and Vanuatu are the lowest ranked, without a single woman parliamentarian.

More work needs to be done post-elections in the Pacific to ensure Pacific countries do not remain at the bottom globally for gender equality in politics.


The Fiji Women's Forum says more work needs to be done in the Pacific to boost the participation of women in politics and ensure long-term gender parity.

The United Nations has released its Women in Politics Map 2014, which says Micronesia, Palau and Vanuatu are the lowest ranked, without a single woman parliamentarian.

World News


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A quick look at the rights of women across Arab countries today. The article offers a snapshot of how women are fairing in different Arab countries.

We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014

A quick look at the rights of women across Arab countries today. The article offers a snapshot of how women are fairing in different Arab countries.

We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014

World News

People "less apathetic" to women leaders, Indonesia

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People "less apathetic" to women leaders, Indonesia


Attitudes toward female leadership have changed ahead of the 2014 legislative election, as people have begun to be less apathetic toward them, activists working across Indonesia have said.

Attitudes toward female leadership have changed ahead of the 2014 legislative election, as people have begun to be less apathetic toward them, activists working across Indonesia have said.

World News

Helped by quotas, more women enter Latin American politics

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Helped by quotas, more women enter Latin American politics


When Michelle Bachelet takes office as president of Chile for the second time on Tuesday, the person who places the blue, white and red striped presidential sash round her neck will be  Isabel Allende - the first woman in Chilean history to be leader of the senate.

 One in four lawmakers in Latin America are women, a proportion second only to Europe, and a continent better known as the home of machismo is now leading the way in drawing more women into politics – enabling them gradually to push women’s, social and educational issues to the fore.

When Michelle Bachelet takes office as president of Chile for the second time on Tuesday, the person who places the blue, white and red striped presidential sash round her neck will be  Isabel Allende - the first woman in Chilean history to be leader of the senate.

 One in four lawmakers in Latin America are women, a proportion second only to Europe, and a continent better known as the home of machismo is now leading the way in drawing more women into politics – enabling them gradually to push women’s, social and educational issues to the fore.