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gender equality

World News

Liberia: 'Inspiring Change' - Yes Promotes Women's Leadership

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Liberia: 'Inspiring Change' - Yes Promotes Women's Leadership


The Youth Exploring Solutions (YES), a passionate, nonprofit and voluntary grassroots youth-led development organization that is primarily a self-sponsored institution since its inception in 2007 has organized Women's Leadership & Governance Panel in observance of International Women's Day at the Rally Town market.

The Youth Exploring Solutions (YES), a passionate, nonprofit and voluntary grassroots youth-led development organization that is primarily a self-sponsored institution since its inception in 2007 has organized Women's Leadership & Governance Panel in observance of International Women's Day at the Rally Town market.

World News

15 Acts Of Women’s Activism That Are Changing The World

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15 Acts Of Women’s Activism That Are Changing The World


These women haven’t won Nobel Prizes or hit the speaking circuit. But they’re pushing boundaries, changing norms, saving lives, and speaking up — even where bad news dominates the headlines.

We invite you to read the complete article published March 8 2014 and watch the videos here 

These women haven’t won Nobel Prizes or hit the speaking circuit. But they’re pushing boundaries, changing norms, saving lives, and speaking up — even where bad news dominates the headlines.

We invite you to read the complete article published March 8 2014 and watch the videos here 

World News

Egypt 'needs more women in politics'

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Egypt 'needs more women in politics'


A new effort is under way in Egypt to engage more women in political life, to try to prepare them for future electoral contests.

There have been longstanding complaints about the lack of female representation in Egypt's parliament and cabinet.


We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014

A new effort is under way in Egypt to engage more women in political life, to try to prepare them for future electoral contests.

There have been longstanding complaints about the lack of female representation in Egypt's parliament and cabinet.


We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014

World News

Electoral system and women’s representation in Nepal: need for reform?

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Electoral system and women’s representation in Nepal: need for reform?


International IDEA in collaboration with Demo Finland, UN Women and the Embassy of Finland organized a seminar on the Electoral System and Women’s Representation in Nepal: Need for Reform? on 4 March 2014 in Kathmandu.

270 people participated, including Constituent Assembly (CA) members, representatives from political parties, civil society, media and academics.

International IDEA in collaboration with Demo Finland, UN Women and the Embassy of Finland organized a seminar on the Electoral System and Women’s Representation in Nepal: Need for Reform? on 4 March 2014 in Kathmandu.

270 people participated, including Constituent Assembly (CA) members, representatives from political parties, civil society, media and academics.

World News

Towards genuine application of the gender quota in Haiti: the importance of strengthening the capacity of women in political parties

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Towards genuine application of the gender quota in Haiti: the importance of strengthening the capacity of women in political parties


Women account for over 52 per cent of the total population of Haiti and are very active in the economic and social sectors. Yet their political participation and representation in Parliament is very limited. Only seven of the 144 political parties are headed by women. Women represent less than five per cent of the Haitian parliament, and there are no women at all in the current Senate. Now that the gender quota is included in the amended constitution, what are the best strategies to ensure its effectiveness?


Women account for over 52 per cent of the total population of Haiti and are very active in the economic and social sectors. Yet their political participation and representation in Parliament is very limited. Only seven of the 144 political parties are headed by women. Women represent less than five per cent of the Haitian parliament, and there are no women at all in the current Senate. Now that the gender quota is included in the amended constitution, what are the best strategies to ensure its effectiveness?


World News

Women's rights in Turkey

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Women's rights in Turkey


Turkey has often been at the forefront of women's rights in the Middle East. But the recent rhetoric of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and more conservative social norms encouraged by the Justice and Development Party (or AKP), have raised increasing concerns about equality for women. Dalia Mortada reports from Istanbul.
Turkey has often been at the forefront of women's rights in the Middle East. But the recent rhetoric of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and more conservative social norms encouraged by the Justice and Development Party (or AKP), have raised increasing concerns about equality for women. Dalia Mortada reports from Istanbul.

World News

Speaker wants more women in parliament, Tonga

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Speaker wants more women in parliament, Tonga


The Speaker of the Tongan parliament, Lord Fakafanua today launched a program, the Practice Parliament for Women. The program aims at encouraging women to enter parliament.

 Lord Fakafanua announced the initiative this morning, and launched a nationwide public awareness program to encourage interested women to apply for a seat in the 30 seats, Practice Parliament for Women. Two seats would be set aside for youths and and the disabilities. All women from the age of 21 upward may apply for a seat in the 30 seats parliament for women.

The Speaker of the Tongan parliament, Lord Fakafanua today launched a program, the Practice Parliament for Women. The program aims at encouraging women to enter parliament.

 Lord Fakafanua announced the initiative this morning, and launched a nationwide public awareness program to encourage interested women to apply for a seat in the 30 seats, Practice Parliament for Women. Two seats would be set aside for youths and and the disabilities. All women from the age of 21 upward may apply for a seat in the 30 seats parliament for women.

World News

Afghanistan’s Insane New Anti-Women Bill

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Afghanistan’s Insane New Anti-Women Bill


In Afghanistan, a dangerous bill has slipped through two houses of Parliament and is poised to devastate women’s rights advocates and victims of abuse. The law would ban all family members of accused criminals—be they abusers, rapists, murderers—from being questioned by police or testifying against them in court. Doctors and psychiatrists would also be barred from providing evidence. In most domestic cases it would be virtually impossible to get a conviction.

In Afghanistan, a dangerous bill has slipped through two houses of Parliament and is poised to devastate women’s rights advocates and victims of abuse. The law would ban all family members of accused criminals—be they abusers, rapists, murderers—from being questioned by police or testifying against them in court. Doctors and psychiatrists would also be barred from providing evidence. In most domestic cases it would be virtually impossible to get a conviction.

World News

Solomon MP calls for reserved seats for women in national parliament

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Solomon MP calls for reserved seats for women in national parliament


Solomon Islands Member of Parliament Hon. Milner Tozaka says he supports reserved seats for women in the national parliament and calls on the government to legislate the proposal before parliament dissolves in September 2014.

Mr Tozaka made these remarks at a recent three-day regional consultation on human rights for members of parliament in Auckland, New Zealand on 15–17 January 2014 organised by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Rights Resource Team (SPC RRRT).

Solomon Islands Member of Parliament Hon. Milner Tozaka says he supports reserved seats for women in the national parliament and calls on the government to legislate the proposal before parliament dissolves in September 2014.

Mr Tozaka made these remarks at a recent three-day regional consultation on human rights for members of parliament in Auckland, New Zealand on 15–17 January 2014 organised by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Rights Resource Team (SPC RRRT).