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gender equality

World News

Number of women in politics back in focus, Cambodia

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Number of women in politics back in focus, Cambodia


Finding out why women’s voices are not being listened to is imperative to increasing the proportion of female political representation in Cambodia, a meeting heard yesterday.

The Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) – which is made up of 12 organisations – hosted discussions in the capital that included discussion about the importance of having a legislative population that is at least 25 per cent female, one of Cambodia’s Millenium Goals.

Finding out why women’s voices are not being listened to is imperative to increasing the proportion of female political representation in Cambodia, a meeting heard yesterday.

The Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) – which is made up of 12 organisations – hosted discussions in the capital that included discussion about the importance of having a legislative population that is at least 25 per cent female, one of Cambodia’s Millenium Goals.

World News

AU wants more women representation in Mauritanian politics

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AU wants more women representation in Mauritanian politics


Nouakchott, Mauritania - An African Union (AU) observer mission to the Mauritanian municipal and legislative polls, led by former Algerian Prime Minister, Ahmed Ouyahia, has recommended that the Mauritanian government should create an environment which will allow more women participate in the country's political process.

Speaking Tuesday to the media, Ouyahia, who monitored the elections in November and December, said the measure would put the country on the international map as one which encourages gender parity.

Nouakchott, Mauritania - An African Union (AU) observer mission to the Mauritanian municipal and legislative polls, led by former Algerian Prime Minister, Ahmed Ouyahia, has recommended that the Mauritanian government should create an environment which will allow more women participate in the country's political process.

Speaking Tuesday to the media, Ouyahia, who monitored the elections in November and December, said the measure would put the country on the international map as one which encourages gender parity.

World News

Madhya Pradesh to focus on low women voter turnout areas, India

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Madhya Pradesh to focus on low women voter turnout areas, India


Although a good turnout of female voters has been recorded in the recent Assembly elections, the Election Commission of India wants to identify areas where the women turnout has been low and reasons for it. 

The ECI has issued instructions to states to focus on low women participation areas under the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) plan for the forth coming Lok Sabha elections. 

Although a good turnout of female voters has been recorded in the recent Assembly elections, the Election Commission of India wants to identify areas where the women turnout has been low and reasons for it. 

The ECI has issued instructions to states to focus on low women participation areas under the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) plan for the forth coming Lok Sabha elections. 

World News

Women MPs 'face sexist gestures' in the Commons

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Women MPs 'face sexist gestures' in the Commons


An MP has claimed some Conservatives make lurid hand gestures towards Labour women during debates in the Commons.

Sarah Champion said there was an "insidious" sexist culture in which "some Tories are very good at gesticulating about female assets".

Ms Champion became a Labour MP a year ago after winning a by-election in Rotherham.

She formerly worked as an arts administrator and chief executive of a children's hospice.

An MP has claimed some Conservatives make lurid hand gestures towards Labour women during debates in the Commons.

Sarah Champion said there was an "insidious" sexist culture in which "some Tories are very good at gesticulating about female assets".

Ms Champion became a Labour MP a year ago after winning a by-election in Rotherham.

She formerly worked as an arts administrator and chief executive of a children's hospice.

World News

Political Parties - Allies or Foes on Gender Sensitive Parliaments?

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Political Parties - Allies or Foes on Gender Sensitive Parliaments?


Women MPs have urged political parties to commit to gender equality as an inherent political objective and assume their role as key entry points to women’s political participation at an IPU-organized event during the Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) in Brussels on 27-29 November. Entitled “Gender-sensitive Parliaments: Are political parties allies or foes?” the event examined the significant impact political parties have on gender-sensitive policy-making, including women’s access to political participation.

Women MPs have urged political parties to commit to gender equality as an inherent political objective and assume their role as key entry points to women’s political participation at an IPU-organized event during the Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) in Brussels on 27-29 November. Entitled “Gender-sensitive Parliaments: Are political parties allies or foes?” the event examined the significant impact political parties have on gender-sensitive policy-making, including women’s access to political participation.

World News

Efforts to develop a gender perspective in NATO-led operations get mixed review

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Efforts to develop a gender perspective in NATO-led operations get mixed review


The Review of the Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions was commissioned by Allied leaders at the 2012 Chicago Summit. The aim was to take stock of efforts to integrate a gender perspective in the planning, conduct and assessment of operations, and to develop recommendations for strengthening future work in this area.

The Review of the Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions was commissioned by Allied leaders at the 2012 Chicago Summit. The aim was to take stock of efforts to integrate a gender perspective in the planning, conduct and assessment of operations, and to develop recommendations for strengthening future work in this area.

World News

Women in democracy? We still have a long way to go, UK

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Women in democracy? We still have a long way to go, UK


Almost 10 years ago, in early spring 2004, I was one of 14 women appointed to the House of Lords. At the same time, 33 men were appointed.

Almost 10 years ago, in early spring 2004, I was one of 14 women appointed to the House of Lords. At the same time, 33 men were appointed.

World News

UN Women - The Autocomplete Truth

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UN Women - The Autocomplete Truth


A series of ads in which misogynistic Google autocomplete searches were superimposed over women's mouths became an Internet sensation last month, and the campaign from international advocacy group UN Women has now expanded.


We invit eour users to watch the video by clicking here 

A series of ads in which misogynistic Google autocomplete searches were superimposed over women's mouths became an Internet sensation last month, and the campaign from international advocacy group UN Women has now expanded.


We invit eour users to watch the video by clicking here 

World News

RI’s women peace activists receive 2013 N-Peace Awards

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RI’s women peace activists receive 2013 N-Peace Awards


Two Indonesian women peace activists have won the 2013 N-Peace Awards for their efforts to promote women's equality and protection of women against discrimination.

“The N-Peace Awards for Indonesia this year is awarded to Bapak Suprayoga Hadi and Ibu Valentina Sagala,” United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Communication Associate, Tina Kardjono, in a press statement made available to The Jakarta Post on Monday.

Two Indonesian women peace activists have won the 2013 N-Peace Awards for their efforts to promote women's equality and protection of women against discrimination.

“The N-Peace Awards for Indonesia this year is awarded to Bapak Suprayoga Hadi and Ibu Valentina Sagala,” United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Communication Associate, Tina Kardjono, in a press statement made available to The Jakarta Post on Monday.