12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women: Carrying Pacific Voices Beyond the Region
The focus of the Triennial today is forward looking and starts by addressing the upcoming regional and international processes which provide an opportunity for the visibility of the issues that the 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women have been addressing for the past 2 days. According to the conference paper for this session prepared by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and UNWomen: “ regional and global processes related to gender equality that PICTs are engaged in, expla
The focus of the Triennial today is forward looking and starts by addressing the upcoming regional and international processes which provide an opportunity for the visibility of the issues that the 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women have been addressing for the past 2 days. According to the conference paper for this session prepared by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and UNWomen: “ regional and global processes related to gender equality that PICTs are engaged in, expla