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Women empowerment

World News

Women With Bitter Past Run for Chile's Presidency

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Women With Bitter Past Run for Chile's Presidency


Their history is the history of Chile. Michelle Bachelet and Evelyn Matthei were childhood friends whose fathers became top generals on opposite sides of the country's deep political divide.

Bachelet's father supported socialist President Salvador Allende until the 1973 coup ended one of Latin America's oldest democracies. Matthei's father ran the military school where Gen. Alberto Bachelet was tortured to death for refusing to line up behind dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Their history is the history of Chile. Michelle Bachelet and Evelyn Matthei were childhood friends whose fathers became top generals on opposite sides of the country's deep political divide.

Bachelet's father supported socialist President Salvador Allende until the 1973 coup ended one of Latin America's oldest democracies. Matthei's father ran the military school where Gen. Alberto Bachelet was tortured to death for refusing to line up behind dictator Augusto Pinochet.

World News

USA: Lindy Boggs, congresswoman and advocate for women, dies

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USA: Lindy Boggs, congresswoman and advocate for women, dies


Lindy Boggs was only 24 when she arrived in Washington as the top political adviser to her husband, newly elected to Congress.

Thirty-two years later, the seat became hers after Hale Boggs was presumed dead in a plane crash, and she made her own mark as an advocate for women and minorities.

Boggs died Saturday at the age of 97, according to ABC News, where Boggs' daughter Cokie Roberts is a political contributor.

Lindy Boggs was only 24 when she arrived in Washington as the top political adviser to her husband, newly elected to Congress.

Thirty-two years later, the seat became hers after Hale Boggs was presumed dead in a plane crash, and she made her own mark as an advocate for women and minorities.

Boggs died Saturday at the age of 97, according to ABC News, where Boggs' daughter Cokie Roberts is a political contributor.

World News

Black Italian minister Kyenge suffers banana insult

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Black Italian minister Kyenge suffers banana insult


Italian politicians have reacted with anger after the country's first black minister had bananas thrown at her during a political rally.

Integration Minister Cecile Kyenge, who has suffered racial abuse in the past, dismissed the act as "a waste of food".

We invite you to read the full article published July 27 2013

Italian politicians have reacted with anger after the country's first black minister had bananas thrown at her during a political rally.

Integration Minister Cecile Kyenge, who has suffered racial abuse in the past, dismissed the act as "a waste of food".

We invite you to read the full article published July 27 2013

World News

Ensuring women's participation in the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe

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Ensuring women's participation in the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe


A group of non-governmental organizations has come up with a programme to ensure that women safely participate in the forthcoming elections.

The programme, called The Women's Situation Room, will see women across the country and from different political parties receiving help as soon as they dial a toll free number that is set to be launched next July 29, if they experience any problems during the election period.

A group of non-governmental organizations has come up with a programme to ensure that women safely participate in the forthcoming elections.

The programme, called The Women's Situation Room, will see women across the country and from different political parties receiving help as soon as they dial a toll free number that is set to be launched next July 29, if they experience any problems during the election period.

World News

Rwanda: Women Poised to Retain Majority in Parliament

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Rwanda: Women Poised to Retain Majority in Parliament


With constitutional quotas for interest group seats in their favour and all political parties legally bound to respect women's quota of at least 30 per cent of their parliamentary nominees, women may retain or even widen their majority in the Chamber of Deputies after the upcoming September elections.

With constitutional quotas for interest group seats in their favour and all political parties legally bound to respect women's quota of at least 30 per cent of their parliamentary nominees, women may retain or even widen their majority in the Chamber of Deputies after the upcoming September elections.

World News

Women in New York City politics: The Numbers

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Women in New York City politics: The Numbers


Before Anthony Weiner cannonballed into the 2013 New York City mayoral race, the storyline of the election had been whether mayoral frontrunner and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn would become the city's first female mayor (and its first openly gay mayor to boot).

Before Anthony Weiner cannonballed into the 2013 New York City mayoral race, the storyline of the election had been whether mayoral frontrunner and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn would become the city's first female mayor (and its first openly gay mayor to boot).

World News

Premiers back national inquiry on missing aboriginal women

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Premiers back national inquiry on missing aboriginal women


Canada's premiers are backing a call by aboriginal leaders to launch a national public inquiry into the case of missing or murdered aboriginal women, CBC News has learned.

"The premiers at the table agreed to support the call of the Native Women's Association of Canada for a national public inquiry on this very, very important issue," Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said.

Canada's premiers are backing a call by aboriginal leaders to launch a national public inquiry into the case of missing or murdered aboriginal women, CBC News has learned.

"The premiers at the table agreed to support the call of the Native Women's Association of Canada for a national public inquiry on this very, very important issue," Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said.

World News

USA: The Female Decade

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USA: The Female Decade


Michelle Nunn has electrified Georgia Democrats by announcing she will run for the U.S. Senate in 2014. Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) has electrified Texas Democrats with her standup leadership in the Texas Senate. Hillary Clinton inspires Democrats everywhere with her prospects for the presidency in 2016. 

Michelle Nunn has electrified Georgia Democrats by announcing she will run for the U.S. Senate in 2014. Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) has electrified Texas Democrats with her standup leadership in the Texas Senate. Hillary Clinton inspires Democrats everywhere with her prospects for the presidency in 2016. 

World News

Beijing at 20: ECOSOC launches review of progress on women’s rights

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Beijing at 20: ECOSOC launches review of progress on women’s rights


The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has kick-started Beijing+20, a process to assess how far Member States and other stakeholders have come in implementing the commitments made at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. This action was part of a resolution on the future organization and methods of work proposed by the Commission on the Status of Women which ECOSOC adopted today. 

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has kick-started Beijing+20, a process to assess how far Member States and other stakeholders have come in implementing the commitments made at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. This action was part of a resolution on the future organization and methods of work proposed by the Commission on the Status of Women which ECOSOC adopted today.