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women leaders

World News

Federal politics remain a male bastion in Canada

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Federal politics remain a male bastion in Canada


Across Canada, just one-quarter of our Members of Parliament are women. In many ridings, they’re seen as “sacrificial lambs” running for a party that’s unlikely to win. And Melanee Thomas, a two-time candidate in Lethbridge, isn’t predicting sudden change.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 6 2013

Across Canada, just one-quarter of our Members of Parliament are women. In many ridings, they’re seen as “sacrificial lambs” running for a party that’s unlikely to win. And Melanee Thomas, a two-time candidate in Lethbridge, isn’t predicting sudden change.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 6 2013

World News

Senegal’s female prime minister appoints new cabinet

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Senegal’s female prime minister appoints new cabinet


The newly appointed Prime Minister of Senegal Ms Aminata Toure (in photo) has set up a 32 member cabinet following consultations with President Macky Sall and other political stakeholders.

Among the top Ministers that lost their posts are the Ministers of Interior General Pathe Seck and    Finance Amadu Kane who is said to be a close relative of President Sall.

The newly appointed Prime Minister of Senegal Ms Aminata Toure (in photo) has set up a 32 member cabinet following consultations with President Macky Sall and other political stakeholders.

Among the top Ministers that lost their posts are the Ministers of Interior General Pathe Seck and    Finance Amadu Kane who is said to be a close relative of President Sall.

World News

Culture is still an obstacle hindering many qualified women to go into politics in Ghana

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Culture is still an obstacle hindering many qualified women to go into politics in Ghana


Freda Prempeh, Member of Parliament (MP) for Tano North Constituency in the Brong Ahafo region has noted with worry that culture is still an obstacle hindering many qualified women to go into politics.

Ms Prempeh is one of the two female parliamentarians out of the twenty-nine MPs from her region.

Ms Prempeh said the situation is not encouraging women who are capable to go into politics even at the local level elections to represent the various electoral areas at the Metropolitan Municipal District Assemblies (MMDAs).

Freda Prempeh, Member of Parliament (MP) for Tano North Constituency in the Brong Ahafo region has noted with worry that culture is still an obstacle hindering many qualified women to go into politics.

Ms Prempeh is one of the two female parliamentarians out of the twenty-nine MPs from her region.

Ms Prempeh said the situation is not encouraging women who are capable to go into politics even at the local level elections to represent the various electoral areas at the Metropolitan Municipal District Assemblies (MMDAs).

World News

Women MPs do a better job than men, Italian Prime Minister says

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Women MPs do a better job than men, Italian Prime Minister says


Laura Boldrini, Cecile Kyenge and Emma Bonino are among those doing “far better than men”, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said during an interview with television channel Russian 24 ahead of the G20 summit, which gets underway in St Petersburg on Thursday.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent. “I wanted my government to have the largest number of women in Italian history”, he said.

Laura Boldrini, Cecile Kyenge and Emma Bonino are among those doing “far better than men”, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said during an interview with television channel Russian 24 ahead of the G20 summit, which gets underway in St Petersburg on Thursday.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent. “I wanted my government to have the largest number of women in Italian history”, he said.

World News

After Gillard, is gender an Australian election issue?

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After Gillard, is gender an Australian election issue?


Two months after Julia Gillard was ousted, feminist and sociologist Eva Cox looks back on the misogyny debate her time as Australia's prime minister sparked - and whether gender issues are on the election agenda as a result.

The question of female leadership still sits rather uncomfortably in discussions of power politics. The recent death of Margaret Thatcher reminded us of her politically successful tenure and re-elections, whether we agreed with her stance or not.

Two months after Julia Gillard was ousted, feminist and sociologist Eva Cox looks back on the misogyny debate her time as Australia's prime minister sparked - and whether gender issues are on the election agenda as a result.

The question of female leadership still sits rather uncomfortably in discussions of power politics. The recent death of Margaret Thatcher reminded us of her politically successful tenure and re-elections, whether we agreed with her stance or not.

World News

Women’s representation in Pakistan: Reduction in local govt seats decried

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Women’s representation in Pakistan: Reduction in local govt seats decried


The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) and civil society members expressed concern over the reduced number of women’s seats in local government bills enacted in Punjab and Sindh in a meeting held on Tuesday.

The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) and civil society members expressed concern over the reduced number of women’s seats in local government bills enacted in Punjab and Sindh in a meeting held on Tuesday.

World News

Aminata Touré named Prime Minister of Senegal

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Aminata Touré named Prime Minister of Senegal


On Sunday night, Aminata Touré was named Prime Minister of Senegal. Whichever mineral flows through the veins of Aminata Touré, she has spent all of her adult life working as a human rights and women’s rights activist, who has worked in Senegal and around the world on women’s issues and, more generally, at the intersection of social and economic justice struggles.

On Sunday night, Aminata Touré was named Prime Minister of Senegal. Whichever mineral flows through the veins of Aminata Touré, she has spent all of her adult life working as a human rights and women’s rights activist, who has worked in Senegal and around the world on women’s issues and, more generally, at the intersection of social and economic justice struggles.

World News

Rising voice for women activists of Burma

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Rising voice for women activists of Burma


The Women’s Initiative Network for Peace (Win-Peace) has expressed serious concern at the continued imprisonment of hundreds of political prisoners including women activists in various Burmese jails and urged the reform savvy from President Thein Sein to take necessary initiative to release them at the earliest.

The Win-Peace asserted that the authority maintains its repressive laws followed by more arrests and hence appealed to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission to take serious note on the situation.

The Women’s Initiative Network for Peace (Win-Peace) has expressed serious concern at the continued imprisonment of hundreds of political prisoners including women activists in various Burmese jails and urged the reform savvy from President Thein Sein to take necessary initiative to release them at the earliest.

The Win-Peace asserted that the authority maintains its repressive laws followed by more arrests and hence appealed to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission to take serious note on the situation.

World News

Women in the Workplace: State Sen. LeAnna Washington shares how hardships lead to career success, USA

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Women in the Workplace: State Sen. LeAnna Washington shares how hardships lead to career success, USA


State Sen. LeAnna Washington, D-4, was a high school dropout, had her first child at age 17, was a single mother, grew up in a tumultuous household, was a victim of domestic violence and received government assistance well into her adult years. However, these hardships did not stifle Washington — they motivated her to be a leader in her community.

State Sen. LeAnna Washington, D-4, was a high school dropout, had her first child at age 17, was a single mother, grew up in a tumultuous household, was a victim of domestic violence and received government assistance well into her adult years. However, these hardships did not stifle Washington — they motivated her to be a leader in her community.