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women's empowerment

World News

Women’s Rights Still Linger in Debates on Sustainable Development Goals

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Women’s Rights Still Linger in Debates on Sustainable Development Goals


AWID participated at the Fifth session of the Open Working Group (OWG5) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)[1] that took place from 25 to 27 November 2013 in New York, the latest UN meeting to discuss shaping a new sustainable development agenda in relation to issues of macroeconomic policies, among others.

AWID joined a group of women’s rights organizations in influencing this process, here is a short analysis of what happened and what is still needed to advance women’s rights and gender equality in a sustainable development framework.

AWID participated at the Fifth session of the Open Working Group (OWG5) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)[1] that took place from 25 to 27 November 2013 in New York, the latest UN meeting to discuss shaping a new sustainable development agenda in relation to issues of macroeconomic policies, among others.

AWID joined a group of women’s rights organizations in influencing this process, here is a short analysis of what happened and what is still needed to advance women’s rights and gender equality in a sustainable development framework.

World News

The future of Kirchnerism in Argentina

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The future of Kirchnerism in Argentina


A little more than two months have gone by since the most recent midterm elections were held in Argentina. Amidst widespread concern over a drop in  foreign reserves, it seems that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s government has started to make significant changes to preserve the economic and political model in place while trying to respond to international financial markets’ expectations. Such changes may mean that the polls were heard and that the government could realize the time has come for implementing a different strategy.

A little more than two months have gone by since the most recent midterm elections were held in Argentina. Amidst widespread concern over a drop in  foreign reserves, it seems that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s government has started to make significant changes to preserve the economic and political model in place while trying to respond to international financial markets’ expectations. Such changes may mean that the polls were heard and that the government could realize the time has come for implementing a different strategy.

World News

The changing face of women leadership over the decades in Kenya

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The changing face of women leadership over the decades in Kenya


Sometime in 1974, a woman in her mid thirties made history as Kenya’s first female assistant minister. She had just quit her position as an associate professor at the University of Nairobi to plunge into politics and clinched the Funyula Constituency seat. So impressed by her performance was then President Jomo Kenyatta, that he appointed Prof Julia Ojiambo, assistant minister for Education.

Sometime in 1974, a woman in her mid thirties made history as Kenya’s first female assistant minister. She had just quit her position as an associate professor at the University of Nairobi to plunge into politics and clinched the Funyula Constituency seat. So impressed by her performance was then President Jomo Kenyatta, that he appointed Prof Julia Ojiambo, assistant minister for Education.

World News

In Chile, women politicians rise, but women's rights lag

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In Chile, women politicians rise, but women's rights lag


“In Chile, the skirt’s in charge,” blared the headline of Santiago tabloid La Cuarta the day after Michelle Bachelet and Evelyn Matthei advanced to a second round in the country’s presidential race. Voters today will pick between the two life-long politicians in the first presidential election in Latin America where all the candidates are female.But having such high-profile women in Chilean politics masks a country that is falling behind its peers on women’s issues.

“In Chile, the skirt’s in charge,” blared the headline of Santiago tabloid La Cuarta the day after Michelle Bachelet and Evelyn Matthei advanced to a second round in the country’s presidential race. Voters today will pick between the two life-long politicians in the first presidential election in Latin America where all the candidates are female.But having such high-profile women in Chilean politics masks a country that is falling behind its peers on women’s issues.

World News

On Election Day, Latin America Willingly Trades Machismo for Female Clout

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On Election Day, Latin America Willingly Trades Machismo for Female Clout


When Chileans vote Sunday for their next leader, they will choose between a former president seeking to expand access to higher education broadly and a staunch conservative opposing tax increases aimed at reducing Chile’s high levels of inequality.
The fact that both candidates — Michelle Bachelet, a former president who narrowly missed a first-round victory in November, and Evelyn Matthei, her right-wing opponent — are women reveals an area where Latin America is surging: the empowerment of female leaders in politics.

When Chileans vote Sunday for their next leader, they will choose between a former president seeking to expand access to higher education broadly and a staunch conservative opposing tax increases aimed at reducing Chile’s high levels of inequality.
The fact that both candidates — Michelle Bachelet, a former president who narrowly missed a first-round victory in November, and Evelyn Matthei, her right-wing opponent — are women reveals an area where Latin America is surging: the empowerment of female leaders in politics.

World News

Women prepare for historic elections in Afghanistan

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Women prepare for historic elections in Afghanistan


In the last presidential elections, women voters and MPs faced persecution, death threats and violence. With 2014’s elections drawing near, NATO Channel speaks to female MPs who discuss the real issues facing female voters.

Women’s rights have come a long way in the last 12 years in Afghanistan yet the struggle for emancipation is still in its infancy.

We invite you to read the full article published December 13, 2013

In the last presidential elections, women voters and MPs faced persecution, death threats and violence. With 2014’s elections drawing near, NATO Channel speaks to female MPs who discuss the real issues facing female voters.

Women’s rights have come a long way in the last 12 years in Afghanistan yet the struggle for emancipation is still in its infancy.

We invite you to read the full article published December 13, 2013

World News

Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench

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Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench


With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

World News

Looking Ahead: Opportunities & Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014

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Looking Ahead: Opportunities & Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014


World News

Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?

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Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?


What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.

What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.