What difference does a female premier make? Canada
Once upon a time, all a woman had to do to stand out in the crowd of Canadian premiers was to sport a red jacket or a skirt. Now that female leaders constitute half of the exclusive club membership, the salient question has become not what is she wearing, but what difference will all that female energy make?
Notably, the six women present at this year’s annual premiers’ gathering represent very different political parties, have remarkably diverse life experiences and are at different ages and stages of their lives.
Once upon a time, all a woman had to do to stand out in the crowd of Canadian premiers was to sport a red jacket or a skirt. Now that female leaders constitute half of the exclusive club membership, the salient question has become not what is she wearing, but what difference will all that female energy make?
Notably, the six women present at this year’s annual premiers’ gathering represent very different political parties, have remarkably diverse life experiences and are at different ages and stages of their lives.