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Women's political participation

World News

Mexican MPs reinforce commitment to a gender-sensitive parliament

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Mexican MPs reinforce commitment to a gender-sensitive parliament


Mexican MPs and experts have called on the need to push forward a gender-sensitive parliament as a key step in advancing towards equality between men and women in society at lar

Mexican MPs and experts have called on the need to push forward a gender-sensitive parliament as a key step in advancing towards equality between men and women in society at lar

World News

Women Presidents Outperform Their Male Counterparts in Complex Economies

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Women Presidents Outperform Their Male Counterparts in Complex Economies


As President Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union address this past week, he may have had more female peers watching this time than any president in U.S. history. In fact, female heads of state are more common now than ever before -- the number has quadrupled since 1960 when Sri Lanka's Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first elected female head of state in the modern world.

As President Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union address this past week, he may have had more female peers watching this time than any president in U.S. history. In fact, female heads of state are more common now than ever before -- the number has quadrupled since 1960 when Sri Lanka's Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first elected female head of state in the modern world.

World News

The Primaries are Coming, are Women Running in Your State?

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The Primaries are Coming, are Women Running in Your State?


There's still an opportunity for women to in increase their representation during this year's mid-term elections.

A new report from Rutgers' Center for American Women and Politics studying the 34 states holding U.S. Senate elections in 2014 shows an opportunity for women to make history. There is a lot more estrogen on the ballots.

There's still an opportunity for women to in increase their representation during this year's mid-term elections.

A new report from Rutgers' Center for American Women and Politics studying the 34 states holding U.S. Senate elections in 2014 shows an opportunity for women to make history. There is a lot more estrogen on the ballots.

World News

Lack Of Women At Davos Reflects The Gender Gap In Global Leadership

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Lack Of Women At Davos Reflects The Gender Gap In Global Leadership


As world leaders met on a global stage for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this past week, it wasn’t hard to notice that something was missing. Women make up half of our planet’s population, yet this year only 15% of the attendees at one of the world’s most important gatherings of decision makers and influencers were female.

As world leaders met on a global stage for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this past week, it wasn’t hard to notice that something was missing. Women make up half of our planet’s population, yet this year only 15% of the attendees at one of the world’s most important gatherings of decision makers and influencers were female.

World News

Solomon Islands Women in Parliament

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Solomon Islands Women in Parliament


Women in government or representation of women in Parliament are often quite hard for many to accept in this country, however since the national general election is just around the corner, it is the right time to give it a focus again.

All alone, it seems that Solomon Islands government remained unconvinced of the need for women's participation in Parliament. 

Representation of women in Parliament is not a new issue, but is significantly critical to the economic development and the political stability of this country as well as balancing of leadership.

Women in government or representation of women in Parliament are often quite hard for many to accept in this country, however since the national general election is just around the corner, it is the right time to give it a focus again.

All alone, it seems that Solomon Islands government remained unconvinced of the need for women's participation in Parliament. 

Representation of women in Parliament is not a new issue, but is significantly critical to the economic development and the political stability of this country as well as balancing of leadership.

World News

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Is Giving A New Voice To Working Women

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New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Is Giving A New Voice To Working Women


It’s only been a few days, but already the crutches are getting on Kirsten Gillibrand’s last nerve. A mid-October misstep on the squash court has left the famously energetic senator with a torn calf muscle that prevents her from putting weight on her heel without grimacing.

Seated at a conference table in her Capitol Hill offices, she demonstrates, flexing her foot, clad in a black Toms flat (“The most comfortable shoes I own!”), and gesturing at the large Ace bandage swaddling her right leg.

It’s only been a few days, but already the crutches are getting on Kirsten Gillibrand’s last nerve. A mid-October misstep on the squash court has left the famously energetic senator with a torn calf muscle that prevents her from putting weight on her heel without grimacing.

Seated at a conference table in her Capitol Hill offices, she demonstrates, flexing her foot, clad in a black Toms flat (“The most comfortable shoes I own!”), and gesturing at the large Ace bandage swaddling her right leg.

World News

Rosemary Butler launches training for women seeking public office, Wales

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Rosemary Butler launches training for women seeking public office, Wales


An initiative to encourage more women to apply for key roles in Welsh public life has been launched at the Senedd.

It will offer mentoring, shadowing and training as part of Presiding Officer Dame Rosemary Butler's women in public life development scheme.

Only around 5% of council leaders and chief executives of companies in Wales are female.

We invite you to read the full article published January 30, 2014

An initiative to encourage more women to apply for key roles in Welsh public life has been launched at the Senedd.

It will offer mentoring, shadowing and training as part of Presiding Officer Dame Rosemary Butler's women in public life development scheme.

Only around 5% of council leaders and chief executives of companies in Wales are female.

We invite you to read the full article published January 30, 2014

World News

Women's Groups Use SOTU to Stake Out Agenda

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Women's Groups Use SOTU to Stake Out Agenda


While President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech on Jan. 28 fell short of the peroration about economic inequality that partisans had either hoped or feared, it did offer women's groups a chance to showcase political and legislative priorities.

While President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech on Jan. 28 fell short of the peroration about economic inequality that partisans had either hoped or feared, it did offer women's groups a chance to showcase political and legislative priorities.

World News

Addressing the under-representation of women in Parliament in the UK

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Addressing the under-representation of women in Parliament in the UK


Regardless of the role or industry in question, networking is often an essential part of the modern day-to-day job. We all build up an array of contacts during our professional lives and we learn from the people we meet and work with. As a professional political consultant, I can vouch for this being as true in Westminster as anywhere else; and I believe that building on these networks is the key to making Parliament a more female-friendly workplace.

Regardless of the role or industry in question, networking is often an essential part of the modern day-to-day job. We all build up an array of contacts during our professional lives and we learn from the people we meet and work with. As a professional political consultant, I can vouch for this being as true in Westminster as anywhere else; and I believe that building on these networks is the key to making Parliament a more female-friendly workplace.