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women's role in society

World News

As Fund-Raisers in Congress, Women Break the Cash Ceiling

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As Fund-Raisers in Congress, Women Break the Cash Ceiling


The first time Senator Patty Murray ran for local office, she was so embarrassed to ask people for money for her campaign that she and her husband held a garage sale. But her generous husband could not stop himself from giving away an expensive lawn mower, she said, leaving the fund-raiser at a net loss.

By the time she ran for the Senate in 1992, she had gained the confidence to hold out the hat enthusiastically.

The first time Senator Patty Murray ran for local office, she was so embarrassed to ask people for money for her campaign that she and her husband held a garage sale. But her generous husband could not stop himself from giving away an expensive lawn mower, she said, leaving the fund-raiser at a net loss.

By the time she ran for the Senate in 1992, she had gained the confidence to hold out the hat enthusiastically.

World News

Women MPs must man up. We need more battleaxes, fewer shrinking violets

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Women MPs must man up. We need more battleaxes, fewer shrinking violets


As yet another female Tory MP announces she is to stand down, the soul-searching has begun about why women still find life in the Commons so unbearable. Laura Sandys says she is leaving politics because of "family demands". But the impression given is she is part of a growing exodus of recently elected women; "rising stars" forced out tragically early by the macho posturing in parliament.

As yet another female Tory MP announces she is to stand down, the soul-searching has begun about why women still find life in the Commons so unbearable. Laura Sandys says she is leaving politics because of "family demands". But the impression given is she is part of a growing exodus of recently elected women; "rising stars" forced out tragically early by the macho posturing in parliament.

World News

Rwanda: Minister Gasinzigwa Calls for More Women in Peace-Keeping Missions

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Rwanda: Minister Gasinzigwa Calls for More Women in Peace-Keeping Missions


The call was made on Tuesday by the Minister for Gender and Family Promotion, Oda Gasinzigwa at the closure of a two-day workshop on building capacity of prisons warders on international peacekeeping missions.

The workshop attracted delegates from 25 countries and representatives of international organisations. The event aimed at exploring reforms on how to train warders for peace-keeping missions.

We invite you to read the full article published November 28, 2013

The call was made on Tuesday by the Minister for Gender and Family Promotion, Oda Gasinzigwa at the closure of a two-day workshop on building capacity of prisons warders on international peacekeeping missions.

The workshop attracted delegates from 25 countries and representatives of international organisations. The event aimed at exploring reforms on how to train warders for peace-keeping missions.

We invite you to read the full article published November 28, 2013

World News

Where are the women leaders?

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Where are the women leaders?


If women are to achieve equality, they need a voice and a seat at the table. It's time to set measurable goals to affect change.

When I was first elected in 1987, I was part of an increased number of women in the UK parliament, but we still comprised only 5% of MPs. Even now, more than a quarter of a century later and in a country that has long prided itself on a commitment to equality, only one in five MPs is a woman. Far from leading the way, we are languishing at the global average.

If women are to achieve equality, they need a voice and a seat at the table. It's time to set measurable goals to affect change.

When I was first elected in 1987, I was part of an increased number of women in the UK parliament, but we still comprised only 5% of MPs. Even now, more than a quarter of a century later and in a country that has long prided itself on a commitment to equality, only one in five MPs is a woman. Far from leading the way, we are languishing at the global average.

World News

Rethinking the role of women in politics

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Rethinking the role of women in politics


What is the appropriate role of women in political life?

Are women fundamentally different than men? How does “femininity” qualify or disqualify women from political participation?

What is the appropriate role of women in political life?

Are women fundamentally different than men? How does “femininity” qualify or disqualify women from political participation?

World News

Turkey: women want bigger role in politics

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Turkey: women want bigger role in politics


As the deadline for the finalization of Turkey's local election electoral lists draws closer, an association of women's groups has launched a campaign to entice political party leaders to nominate more women as candidates in 2014 elections.

As the deadline for the finalization of Turkey's local election electoral lists draws closer, an association of women's groups has launched a campaign to entice political party leaders to nominate more women as candidates in 2014 elections.

World News

Socialist Bachelet faces runoff election in Chile

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Socialist Bachelet faces runoff election in Chile


The leader in the race for president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet took 47% of the vote in November 17th elections. She will face a run-off against opponent Evelyn Matthei of the ruling center-right Alliance on December 15 who received 25% of the vote.

Bachelet, a paediatrician, quipped: We thought this would be an eight-month pregnancy but in the end it’s going to the full term

We invite you to read the full article published November 24, 2013

The leader in the race for president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet took 47% of the vote in November 17th elections. She will face a run-off against opponent Evelyn Matthei of the ruling center-right Alliance on December 15 who received 25% of the vote.

Bachelet, a paediatrician, quipped: We thought this would be an eight-month pregnancy but in the end it’s going to the full term

We invite you to read the full article published November 24, 2013

World News

Egyptian Women aim for 100 parliamentary seats

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Egyptian Women aim for 100 parliamentary seats


The Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU) announced Sunday the initiation of a 16 week campaign to raise EGP 30m to support female candidates running for the 2014 House of Representatives elections.

The campaign’s aim is to help 100 female candidates. The House of Representatives is expected to be formed in April 2014.

We invite you to read the full article published November 24, 2013

The Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU) announced Sunday the initiation of a 16 week campaign to raise EGP 30m to support female candidates running for the 2014 House of Representatives elections.

The campaign’s aim is to help 100 female candidates. The House of Representatives is expected to be formed in April 2014.

We invite you to read the full article published November 24, 2013

World News

Efforts to develop a gender perspective in NATO-led operations get mixed review

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Efforts to develop a gender perspective in NATO-led operations get mixed review


The Review of the Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions was commissioned by Allied leaders at the 2012 Chicago Summit. The aim was to take stock of efforts to integrate a gender perspective in the planning, conduct and assessment of operations, and to develop recommendations for strengthening future work in this area.

The Review of the Practical Implications of UNSCR 1325 for the Conduct of NATO-led Operations and Missions was commissioned by Allied leaders at the 2012 Chicago Summit. The aim was to take stock of efforts to integrate a gender perspective in the planning, conduct and assessment of operations, and to develop recommendations for strengthening future work in this area.