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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

Noticias del mundo

United Nations Democracy Fund issues call for applications for funding

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

United Nations Democracy Fund issues call for applications for funding


UNDEF supports projects that advance greater participation of women in democratic processes, including for those that strengthen the voices of civil society, promote human rights and encourage the participation of all groups in democracy

UNDEF supports projects that advance greater participation of women in democratic processes, including for those that strengthen the voices of civil society, promote human rights and encourage the participation of all groups in democracy

Noticias del mundo

México: El PAS impulsa liderazgo político de las mujeres

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

México: El PAS impulsa liderazgo político de las mujeres


El Partido Sinaloense (PAS), a través de la Secretaría de Asuntos de Género, se pronunció ante el Consejo Estatal Electoral y representantes de las mujeres de los partidos políticos, a impulsar y fortalecer los liderazgos y el empoderamiento femenino en la vida democrática de Sinaloa, con el propósito de garantizar el pleno ejercicio de los derechos políticos de las mujeres en condiciones reales de igualdad.

Para leer la noticia completa por favor haz clic aquí

El Partido Sinaloense (PAS), a través de la Secretaría de Asuntos de Género, se pronunció ante el Consejo Estatal Electoral y representantes de las mujeres de los partidos políticos, a impulsar y fortalecer los liderazgos y el empoderamiento femenino en la vida democrática de Sinaloa, con el propósito de garantizar el pleno ejercicio de los derechos políticos de las mujeres en condiciones reales de igualdad.

Para leer la noticia completa por favor haz clic aquí

Noticias del mundo

Planting the seeds of healing: moving from words to actions to restore the rights of female survivors in Colombia

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

Planting the seeds of healing: moving from words to actions to restore the rights of female survivors in Colombia


In her face and her tone, Mayerlis Angarita projects that infectious joy that is typical of the inhabitants of the savannahs adjoining the Caribbean Sea in Colombia, but her voice cracks as she recalls the tough times that her community, her family and she herself had to endure.

In her face and her tone, Mayerlis Angarita projects that infectious joy that is typical of the inhabitants of the savannahs adjoining the Caribbean Sea in Colombia, but her voice cracks as she recalls the tough times that her community, her family and she herself had to endure.

Noticias del mundo

Inequalities and people with disabilities: join the latest e-discussion

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

Inequalities and people with disabilities: join the latest e-discussion


The e-discussion on inequalities and people with disabilities begins on 14 November and will continue for three weeks. To be hosted jointly by UNICEF and the International Disabilities Alliance (IDA), this discussion will look at how the rights and needs of people with disabilities are discussed and addressed in the post-2015 development agenda. This is the [...]

The e-discussion on inequalities and people with disabilities begins on 14 November and will continue for three weeks. To be hosted jointly by UNICEF and the International Disabilities Alliance (IDA), this discussion will look at how the rights and needs of people with disabilities are discussed and addressed in the post-2015 development agenda. This is the [...]

Noticias del mundo

Speech by Michelle Bachelet at Sakai Women’s Center

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

Speech by Michelle Bachelet at Sakai Women’s Center


Speech by UN Women Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet at Sakai Women’s Center. Sakai, Japan.

Speech by UN Women Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet at Sakai Women’s Center. Sakai, Japan.

Noticias del mundo

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women announces over US$8 million in grants

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women announces over US$8 million in grants


The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) today kicked off its 16th year announcing more than US$8 million in grants to 12 local initiatives in 18 countries.

The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) today kicked off its 16th year announcing more than US$8 million in grants to 12 local initiatives in 18 countries.

Noticias del mundo

Development and LGBTI rights: join the latest e-discussion on inequalities

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

Development and LGBTI rights: join the latest e-discussion on inequalities


This is the third global consultation on inequalities for the post-2015 agenda, jointly convened by UN Women and UNICEF and will remain open for three weeks.

This is the third global consultation on inequalities for the post-2015 agenda, jointly convened by UN Women and UNICEF and will remain open for three weeks.

Noticias del mundo

UN Security Council calls on the international community to support the role of women’s civil society organizations in peacebuilding

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

UN Security Council calls on the international community to support the role of women’s civil society organizations in peacebuilding


On 31 October, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet took part in a special meeting of the UN Security Council in which the Guatemalan Presidency presented its statement for the annual review of progress in implementing resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security.

On 31 October, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet took part in a special meeting of the UN Security Council in which the Guatemalan Presidency presented its statement for the annual review of progress in implementing resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security.

Noticias del mundo

Women of Mali call for increased protection and involvement in resolving the conflict

Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

Women of Mali call for increased protection and involvement in resolving the conflict


“This occupation is the cruelest one that the Malian people have had to undergo, nowadays women are deprived of all liberties and even the choice of a husband is dictated to them by the occupying forces, “says a displaced woman* living in Bamako and originally from Timbuktu - a city occupied by armed groups today.

“This occupation is the cruelest one that the Malian people have had to undergo, nowadays women are deprived of all liberties and even the choice of a husband is dictated to them by the occupying forces, “says a displaced woman* living in Bamako and originally from Timbuktu - a city occupied by armed groups today.