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Algerian feminist Marieme Lucas critiques Obama's Cairo Speech

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Algerian feminist Marieme Lucas critiques Obama's Cairo Speech


Reinforcing presumed religious identities:
Where are women and secularists of Muslim countries in Obama’s speech in Cairo?

by Marieme Helie Lucas
Secularism is a Women's Issue (SIAWI)

It is beyond doubt that many people around the world, of various political opinions and creeds, will feel relieved after the discourse the President of the USA delivered in Cairo today. It is apparently a new voice, a voice of peace, quite far from Bush’s clash of civilisations. But is it so?

We invite you to read the full article published June 5, 2009


Reinforcing presumed religious identities:
Where are women and secularists of Muslim countries in Obama’s speech in Cairo?

by Marieme Helie Lucas
Secularism is a Women's Issue (SIAWI)

It is beyond doubt that many people around the world, of various political opinions and creeds, will feel relieved after the discourse the President of the USA delivered in Cairo today. It is apparently a new voice, a voice of peace, quite far from Bush’s clash of civilisations. But is it so?

We invite you to read the full article published June 5, 2009
