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Pakistan: Millions of Women Missing from Draft Electoral Polls

World News

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Pakistan: Millions of Women Missing from Draft Electoral Polls


The draft electoral rolls of 2012 indicated a fall in the numbers of registered female voters, said the Pattan Development Organisation report on Thursday.

The report showed that compared to 2008, the number had fallen by 1,378,697 in 2012 becoming five percent lesser than that in 2008. While, on the other hand, the number of registered male voters had increased by 1,020,051. The difference between registered male voters and female voters was also a staggering figure of 12,155,339.

These alone were not the only alarming factors, upon further analysis of registered women voter numbers from 1970-2012 many disturbing facts came forward. In the last general elections of 2008, there were 79 female voters to 100 male voters, however, as per the draft electoral rolls compiled by the ECP, there was a further decline in 2012 to 74 female voters against every 100 male voters, this figure was the lowest of all past election years.

Read the complete story at Daily Times, published 9 March 2012.


The draft electoral rolls of 2012 indicated a fall in the numbers of registered female voters, said the Pattan Development Organisation report on Thursday.

The report showed that compared to 2008, the number had fallen by 1,378,697 in 2012 becoming five percent lesser than that in 2008. While, on the other hand, the number of registered male voters had increased by 1,020,051. The difference between registered male voters and female voters was also a staggering figure of 12,155,339.

These alone were not the only alarming factors, upon further analysis of registered women voter numbers from 1970-2012 many disturbing facts came forward. In the last general elections of 2008, there were 79 female voters to 100 male voters, however, as per the draft electoral rolls compiled by the ECP, there was a further decline in 2012 to 74 female voters against every 100 male voters, this figure was the lowest of all past election years.

Read the complete story at Daily Times, published 9 March 2012.
